Chapter 21 - Awkward

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I feel the suns early light stream in through the uncurtained windows, warming my face.  I should have closed them last night, it's becoming a bad habit.

I shiver slightly at the cold February air and snuggle further into the sofa. The cushion next to me is so comfortable and warm. As I nestle into it further, I shiver again. 

I feel my blanket be pulled up higher, being wrapped around me tighter. I sleepily open one eye; peeping to see who's next to me. I'm sleeping on their chest. I open my eyes wider and look up to find that I've been sleeping on Brad.

"Shit," I mumble. I hurridly lift off of him and readjust myself. I look down to find that we had been sharing the same blanket. My face turns ruby, I pull the fabric up to hide it. 

"Morning, wondered if you were going to wake up from your 100-year sleep." He comments.

I look at him bewildered, "What?"

"He's calling you sleeping beauty. Gah, he tries flirting with you and you don't even get it." I hear Lucy moan. 

I flip my head around to see them all on the floor below me. The only people awake are James and Lucy. I blush harder and pull further away from Brad. 

"Haha, um... Did you sleep okay?"I cough, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, fine. Think someone was talking in their sleep though." James answers. 

"I think that was Em," Brad says smirking.

I huff. "I don't sleep talk," I responded sternly.

A loud groan stops Brad from making his remark but doesn't stop him from winking at me. 

Tristan sits up from his makeshift blanket bed on the floor. 

"Sorry, did we wake you?" I ask him.

"Eh, not really, was kinda already awake," He says as he stretches. 

"Well, the only person still asleep is Con," Lucy adds.

"I think we should leave him to wake up himself," James suggests. "You don't poke a sleeping bear, so we shouldn't wake him."

"Okay," I affirm as I get up from the sofa. "Let's get started on breakfast then."

I step over the sleeping Connor and the others to make my way out of the den. They follow behind me into the kitchen. I pull out a frying pan, jug and whisk. Next, I set out the flour, milk and eggs. 

"Pancakes!" Lucy squeals.

I chuckle at her enthusiasm. "Yep, can you and James get the syrup and stuff and put it on the dining room table," I say pointing to the cupboard where I took the flour from. "And Tris, can you get the cutlery out, it's in the drawers in the dining room." 

He gives me a cheesy salute and all three get to their duties.

"What about me?" Brad asks.

"You can make the batter whilst I get the plates out." I direct him.

I turn away to grab the stack of plates from the cupboard. I set them down on the side and light up the hob for the pan. 

"Hey Em," I hear Brad say. 

I twirl around to him to then have a handful of flour blown in my face. As the thick cloud settles on me I glare at him, then grin. 

"You little shit," I shriek. I grab a fistful of the powder and dump it onto his head, messing up his cocoa curls. I laugh at his dusty appearance

 "That's it, you've asked for it now." He yells. He pulls me over to him by my arm. He takes hold of my waist so I can't run off and dips his finger into the batter mix; smudging it on my nose. 

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