Chapter 14 - Revelation

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The piercing phone alert screeches in my ears and the harsh light stings my eyes. The sun glares through the window and open curtains. I guess I forgot to close them last night. Last night.

What a whirlwind it was. I try to remember but the slight cognitive process leads to a brutal headache: head-splitting.

I sit up in my bed, resting a hand on my throbbing forehead. I lean over the side and rummage through the bottom of my bedside table; where are the painkillers? I find the packet of paracetamol and take one with the glass of water on the table. 

I scour the cluttered floor, trying to find my phone. Wincing at the blinding light from the screen, I turn down the brightness. Multiple notifications adorn my lock screen.  The majority being from Brad. 

Brad: WAKE 

Brad: UP


Brad: BEAUTY!!! 

Brad: I hope all that drinking last night and my texting has given you a pleasant head :) x

I quickly tap out a response.

Emily: It has thanks, arsehole :) x

I check through the other notifs as I wait for a response. One is from Lucy.

Brad: Now, now. No need to be sarcastic, but really the issue is I left my jacket at yours. Can you give it back to me tomorrow at school, thanks x

Emily: Yep, shall do. See you then x

I respond. Since when did we send each other kisses? 

I click on the message from Lucy; worry overtakes my body.

Lucy: I'm really sorry about last night. I got a bit carried away with myself and I'm sooooo sorry for making you uncomfortable. I don't want this to ruin our friendship in any way, please can we fix this xxx

Emily: Hey, why don't you come round mine and we'll sort this all out xx

I clear all the meaningless Twitter notifications and clamber out of my bed.

I pull out leggings and a massive oversized jumper from my drawer, as well as my fluffiest socks. After washing, I throw it all on and pull my hair up into a messy bun. I don't bother with any makeup and instead, make my way downstairs.


I sit at the table, Brad's jacket draped over my chair, munching on Nutella toast when the doorbell rings. I get up and open the door to find a flushed Lucy. I pull the door open wider, inviting her in.

She removes her shoes and coat, shuts the door and follows me into the dining room.

I continue to eat as she watches me, neither of us wanting to start. She opens her mouth as I take the last bite but then closes it again. I dust off my hands, dropping the crumbs onto the plate.

"I'm sorry," I begin. " I didn't intend to cause a problem between us, I was just trying to commit to the act. I don't hate you, I hope you don't hate me."

"Of course I don't hate you!" Lucy squeals. "I'm the one that took the kiss further than it needed to be. I should have stopped. And it doesn't have to be a problem, we can still get along."

I nod my head. "Yes, it doesn't have to break us apart." I shift my gaze from her face to my plate as I whisper, "Did you enjoy it?"

"What?" She asks.

"Did you err... Did you like kissing me?" I stutter.

Lucy's face turns red. "I mean it was a kiss, so, yeah." She responds.

"But would you like to kiss me again?" I question.

"Are you asking me out?" Lucy asks shocked. 

"No no!" I shriek. I palm my face and sigh. "Brad told me to ask you if it meant anything. He said it doesn't matter as long as you and I both know what it means to us and I don't think it means much to me. I mean I liked it and would maybe kiss a girl again, maybe, but I don't want to date you or anything." I huff.

"Brad told you to?" She inquires.

"Err, yeah. He found me after the kiss. Helped me get home, put me to bed."

"Oh," she responds. "Well to answer your rambling, it didn't mean a lot to me either. I see you as just a friend, and even though bi ass self enjoyed it. because you know, kissing, I don't want anything to come of it. I have my heart set on someone else."

I nod. "You never told me you were bi."

She nods back, smiling.

We sit in a comfortable silence for a minute, relief washing over us both. 

"Hey," Lucy speaks up. " I think my theory has come true."

"What do you mean? That Sara's gay?" I reply.

"Yeah," she mutters under her breath, not wanting me to hear. "I didn't mean that one, I meant the one where Brad wasn't talking to you because he was jealous of our 'relationship'."

I laugh at her comment. "First off, that was Connor's theory. Second, he only helped me home, nothing else."

"Oh yeah," she chuckles. "Then why is his jacket here? He's marking you as his property. I bet he carried you as well, acting like a hero. The knight rescuing the beautiful damsel in distress."

My face reddens at her words. " No, he gave it to me because I was cold and he only gave me a piggyback for a little bit because my feet hurt." 

Lucy grins at my embarrassed sentence. "I bet you only kissed me because you thought it would make him jealous."

I roll my eyes, still covering my mouth with my hands. "Maybe," I whisper to my self.

~ AN: Hello, I want to thank you all so much for the response to the last chapter! It made me really happy to see your votes and comments, especially as I thoroughly enjoyed the chapter myself. THANK YOU!  x ~

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