Chapter 2 - Beginning

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I disperse from the group when I reach the double doors of a large brick building. Assuming this is the main building for the school, I walk in staying away from the crowd so I can look for the reception. I see an open glass door on the left, a man sits inside on the phone. Edging closer I see that on the door there is a plaque that reads 'Reception'.

"Hello?" I say as I peek my head through.

The man lifts his head at my voice and nods me in. I look around at the small, bright room whilst he finishes his conversation. I hear the click of the phone being put down and turn back round to him. His face confused and eager as he smiles at me.

"Hi, um. I'm a new student, I've just moved here." I shakily say, slightly overwhelmed by the new surroundings.

"Ah," The reception man says. "Emily Smith?"

I nod my head.

"Okay, well you are meant to have a quick welcome with an SLT member but there all at a meeting at the moment. I do have your timetable though so, I think it'll just be easier if you find your own way around." He hands me a piece of paper with all my lessons and class numbers on. Great, physics last thing on a Friday.

"Thank you!" I say as I wander out of the room. So engrossed by my new timetable, I completely forget to look where I'm going and I walk straight into somebody. The knock of bumping into them pushes me onto the floor, bruising my bum

"I'm so sorry," I squeal to the person above me. I expect them to shout or walk off but instead, they hold out their hand; offering to help me up. I take it sceptically, not sure if they'll just knock me back down afterwards.

"Hey, sorry. Didn't mean to knock you over." The boy in front of me says. He has shortish brunet hair somewhat styled up into a quiff and a small nose ring. The most notable thing about him was his strikingly blue eyes. 

"It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going." I slightly chuckle.

"Ah," he responds. He looks at me quizzically: trying to analyse my face. "I don't recognise you. Are you new here?" 

"Yes, I am. Just moved in two weeks ago and this is my first day here. My names Emily." I smile.

"Alright, I'm Connor." He responds. He looks down at the timetable in my hands. "Do you know what form you're in?"

I read across the table. "Er... It says I'm in room 407 with Mr Wilson."  

"Cool, that's my form. I can take you there." Connor replies. He begins to walk down the corridor

"Sweet,"I say. I follow after him, walking alongside.

Connor tells me about what it's like here and who my teachers are. He offers to help me too and from my classes today and I gratefully accept it. We continue to walk down the corridor, then up two flights of stairs and then down another hall.

When we reach 407 he walks towards the back table. There was another boy there. He was looking at his phone, his golden hair flopping down at the angle.

"Hey, James," Connor says to the boy.

He looks up from his phone and smiles at Connor, giving him a high-five. He then turns to me perplexed.

"Oh, this is the new girl," Connor announces.

"Hi, I'm Emily." I falter. 

"Hi Emily, I'm James." The boy counters grinning at me. 

I take a seat next to Connor and wait for the 20 minute form time to begin. He informs me that my next lesson, Geography, is in 409 which is two doors down. Just as I'm about to ask about English, Mr Wilson silences the class. He waffles on about the importance of starting revision as exams are only 5 months away. What a great thing to talk about when starting a new school. His long speech is cut short by the shrill cry of the bell. 

"I'll meet you after Geography," Connor states giving me a reassuring look.

I nod and pursue after him and James exiting the classroom. 

Once out I follow Connors instructions and move two classrooms down. Realising that I went to the wrong end, I move back down to the other end of the corridor to find the room labelled 409. I open the door to find a few people already inside sitting at different tables. I go up to the teacher and say that I'm new to the school.

"Oh, you must be Emily Smith. I'm Mr Watson." The man before me says. "This is your workbook" He states as he hands me a green exercise book. "Could you please sit at the table near the window. Next to Bradley." Mr Watson points to a boy with dark cocoa curls. His tie is skewed and his pen is scribbling patterns on the front of his book. 

I move over to him and sit down, careful not to startle him. He lifts his head and watches me as I set out my pencil case and book. 

"Hi, I'm Emily. I'm new here." I stutter to him. 

He smirks at me. 

"Ah, I wondered who you were, thought I would remember a pretty girl like you. I'm Brad." He asserts, oozing with confidence. 

I flush at his comment, feeling my skin go warm. 

"Well, I guess this is all just a new beginning for you."

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