A New Start

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(Hannah's POV) We arrived in Indiana at 4:32pm. It had been a long drive from our recently sold house in Utah. My mom, dad, our dog, Killer, and I were all exhausted but we needed to unpack the moving vans. "Hannah can you come help me with this dresser?" My mom yelled. "Coming!" I rushed over to help her move her white wardrobe into the house. We set it down and looked around. The house was amazing. There was a gorgeous lake view from the dining room, it was breathtaking. "Hannah do you want to see your new room?" "Yes!!!" "Okay it is right upstairs! Follow me!" My mom directed me up the stairs. The stairs were the type that you could see the first floor when you look down from the second. There were white marble tiles on the hallway floors, and cream colored walls. I followed my mom into the room at the very end of the hallway. We stepped in and both drew in our breaths. "This is amazing." I say. I was breath taken by the amount of work and thought that had to have gone into it. There was a loft bed with a ladder going up to the top. The railing on the bed had white lights around it. Under the loft was a huge desk that had lots of storage space around it. A corkboard was on the wall in front of it so I could hang up pictures. I looked around more, and noticed the window. There was an amazing window seat that also looked out to the lake. It was a sight that I could get used to. "I'm going to go unpack more," my mom said, "you come out when you're ready to bring in your stuff!" "Okay Mom!" The walls of my room were painted a light sunshine yellow. This was my dream room. There was a dreamcatcher hanging in the window seat, it was lightly swaying in the breeze. The window had been left open to keep it cool. I got up and opened a door in my room. It was a ginormous walk-in closet! I couldn't be any happier! I went over to the window seat and admired the view a bit more. I noticed our neighbors house, a big blue/grey house with a giant pool in their back yard. Swimming in the pool, was a young, attractive, guy. Well I thought he was attractive, I couldn't really tell when I was that far away. I figured I should start to unpack, so I got up and went downstairs. Once outside, I grabbed two large boxes full of clothing and slowly walked towards the door. I was struggling with the boxes, they were very heavy. Before I knew it, someone tapped me on the shoulder. "Need help?" I turned to see who it was. Holy mother of sweet tea. It was the guy that was swimming in the pool. And yes, I was right, he is EXTREMELY attractive. Not your average guy, his hair looked soft and fluffy, his eyes were beautiful. And not to mention his abs. He was shirtless and I found myself starring. I snapped out of it, smiled, and said, "yeah, that'd be great." I handed him a box and he followed me inside. "By the way, my name's Taylor, and you're beautiful."

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