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The girls were sitting outside the hospital with the two dragons laid next to them. Bart is pacing around looking in thought while Cemal was just sitting under a tree eating some kind of fruit. 'So, why are you here anyway?' Cemal asked while eating another bite from his fruit. Shelley looked up. 'I heard from Thanatos he wanted you dead and thought I'd warn you' Cemal just groaned. 'No shocker there...' He just muttered while throwing away the core of his fruit. 'Since when are you buddy buddy with Ragftagar anyway?' She said nonchalant. 'Were not' He stated and Shelley raised her eyebrow at this.

'Actually I'm curious about that as well' Bart suddenly said. 'I thought you were dying in a cell?' He continued while crossing his arms. Cemal smirked at him. 'Disappointed?' Bart narrowed his eyes and he was clearly trying to contain his anger. 'Im surprised you got chief, I mean, you're probably drunk half the time' Cemal continued pushing Bart's buttons and pissing him off. 'Alright! That's it!' Bart yelled and rolled up his sleeve while walking towards where Cemal was sitting.

Cemal simply grinned at stood up from his position. 'Come on guys... We have bigger things to worry about' Fabienne tried to say. But the anger was clear in Bart's eyes, there was no way of talking him out of this. Suddenly Bart picked up his pace and raised his fist and brought it down. But Cemal was quick to get out of the way. 'You know if you weren't drunk all the time, you might actually land a hit' Bart's anger flared up and he tried to land another blow, only to have Cemal dodge it. 'Says the king that has more runaways than any other kingdom!' Cemal narrowed his eyes and anger started building. But it threw him off guard long enough for Bart to actually land a punch.

Cemal grabbed his nose and saw a little blood on his hands. His eyes narrowed dangerously at Bart. 'Oh now you're gonna get it' He said, venom in his voice. Quickly he ran up to Bart and raised fist, Bart barely dodged it and tried to land another blow. But before his fist made contact with Cemal's face did Cemal duck down and throwing all his weight onto the chief, pushing him down to the ground. Both man tumbled across the ground and tried to get up as quickly as possible.

'Guys! That's enough!' Ragftagar yelled while walking through the entrance of the hospital. But neither hurt him and they were running at each other again. They almost hit each other when Fabie suddenly got in between and punched them both in their stomachs. 'ENOUGH!' She yelled. Cemal looked at her annoyed for interfering. But Bart walked towards Cemal again and pushed her out of the way, causing her to fall down. 'You've got the be...' She said while getting up again. Bart and Cemal were at it again when Fabie raised her hand. 'I said...' She started while letting her clenching her hand in a fist. 'ENOUGH!' And she opened her hand. Ignis suddenly gave a loud roar and stood up, causing everyone to block their ears.

Finally after what felt like forever did Ignis stop and lay down again. Cemal and Bart were still recovering from the loud noise while the girls simply unplugged their ears, having seen it coming. 'You guys finally done?!' Fabienne said irritated. Bart was still rubbing his ear that still hurt from the roar. 'Was that really necessary?' Cemal asked having recovered from the noise. 'Yes.' Fabienne simply said while walking back to the other girls.

'What was that about?!' Ragftagar said angry while walking towards the two. 'It's his fault!' Bart said while pointing at Cemal. 'What is he doing alive anyway?!' Ragftagar simply sighed. 'The reason he's alive is none of your concern' Bart narrowed his eyes and looked irritated at the answer. 'Well its his fault anyway, he kept insulting me!' Bart said still pissed off at what happened. Ragftagar looked at Cemal. 'You're alive, stop making me want to kill you' He stated and walked past them. 'Anyway, I came back with the news that the soldiers that got hurt will be fine' The girls all sighed relieved at hearing this. 'But that isn't our problem' He said while facing the three girls. 'You said you were here because you thought we had Jade, am I right?' He asked them. 'Yes, we went to sleep last evening and when we woke up she was gone' Shelley said and the other two nodded. Ragftagar nodded. 'Well, its safe to assume that Silvesto has your friend, and if that's so then the time is ticking' Ragftagar continued while walking towards Bart. 'Pick two of our best soldiers, if were gonna fight Silvesto we need the best of the best' He said. Bart looked at Ragftagar as if he was told to jump of a cliff. 'Seriously? Were just gonna help the Ljords that barged in here?' Ragftagar looked Bart straight in the eye. 'Yes, you're gonna help them while me and Cemal have other business to attend to'

Bart groaned and muttered something under his breath. 'What business?' Shelley asked them. 'Nothing to concern you with' Cemal said as he walked towards Ragftagar. Shelley raised her eyebrow. 'Really? Leaving us in the dark?' She said while crossing her arms, Cemal simply rolled his eyes. 'You just go and safe you're friend' Ragftagar said while walking away with Cemal following him.

'Oh well, guess we better hurry' Thirza said standing up. 'Mhm, you're right' Fabienne said. Shelley also stood up and looked at Bart. 'Well? What are you waiting for, go get your two best soldiers' Bart just looked annoyed at her but walked away to get them anyway. Fabienne walked towards the two dragons and gave them the signal to fly up but stay close. Thirio and Ignis growled and spread their wings. Not a few seconds later they flew out of sight. 'You ready girls?' Shelley asked. Both of them nodded.

'Silvesto, watch out' Fabienne said while unsheathing her sword. 'Were coming to get Jade, and we won't leave without her'

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