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'ARE YOU GIRLS OUT OF YOUR DAMN MINDS?!' Thijs yelled while looking completely pissed off.

Fabienne, Jade and Shelley had returned not long. After they had brought Cemal and Thirza back to their kingdoms they tried to sneak back in Ljord. But Joris and Tom were already waiting at the dragon's inhabitat. To say they were furious was an understatement.

And here they were, in the upperroom of the castle with king Joris, duke Tom and Lourens. And general Thijs who was currently yelling at them.

'Yes we are, and you should know that by now' Fabienne answered nonchalant, being used to Thijs by now. Thijs on the other hand looked furious and about to pull his own hair out.

'Fabienne this isnt something to just brush off, you stole the dragons and went off to Notch knows where without permission' Joris said in a stern voice and looked her straight in the eye. Fabienne looked down, she never liked dissapointing Joris, but she also wasnt planning on letting Shel go alone.

'It wasnt her fault king Joris, it was mine' Shelley said as she looked at him. 'Well no matter who's fault it is, you all went, who knows what could have happened?' Lourens said with a worried tone. Jade who sat next to him crossed her arms. 'We were fine...' She said in a low voice.

Lourens turned to look at her. 'That doesnt matter! Any idea how broken I would be if I lost my only sister?!' He exclaimed loudly. Jade only huffed and looked the other direction. 'Jade, dont you dare look away! This is a serious matter!' Lourens said as he got irritated with his sister's behavior.

'And tell me brother dear, when were you planning on telling me?' Jade said nonchalant as if she hadnt heard anything he had said. 'Dont change the subject Jade' Lourens said annoyed. 'Knowing what my brother is up too is important as well, so, when were you gonna tell me?' Jade shot back at him.

Lourens sighed. 'Tell what?' He asked. Jade turned to look at him and stood up. As soon as she stood next to him she punched him in the shoulder. 'OW! What the heck was that for?!' Lourens exclaimed in pain. 'When were you gonna tell me that you were dating my best friend?' She asked in a stern voice. Lourens blinked a few times. 'Was that punch really neccesary for that?' He asked confused. Jade just stared at him, and suddenly she gave him a hug. 'Yes, and I missed you'

Lourens sighed again and hugged her back. Tom cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. 'So, what do we do?' He asked. 'I think these girls need to learn that they cant just go off on their own' Thijs said with still some anger in his voice. 'Come come Thijs, for now lets let them rest, we will discuss more tommorrow' king Joris spoke and everyone nodded. Soon they all were heading to bed.

'But Cemal you cant be serious?!' Meindert exclaimed as he heard the orders. Finally he had returned from that wretched Kanta Tribo and now this? He couldnt be serious.

'Yes Meindert, I am' Cemal responded in a calm voice. Meindert's eyes widened even further. 'But but, this is Kanta! Our biggest enemy, and you just let them in?!' Meindert once again said in disbelief. Cemal sighed, he had figured this wasnt going to be easy...

'Didnt I make myself clear the first time?' He turned to look his general straight in the eye. Meindert halted in his steps when Cemal turned. He searched all his features to see if maybe this was a horrible joke. But there was no trace of that, Cemal was really serious.

'But what about Bart?! That guy isnt to be trusted!' Meindert tried again to sway his kings mind. But to no avail. 'Bart I couldnt care less Meindert, but we need Ragftagar' Cemal asnwered and continued to walk along the castle's halls.

'But why?' Meindert pushed, wanting some answers. He knew it was dangerous with Cemal's temper, but he always took the risk. 'Because he has an Empire wand, and without it we cant face this problem' Cemal said getting tired of Meinderts questioning. He felt himself getting irritated but did his best to stay calm. 'Empire has wands as well, why cant they help'

Cemal abruptly turned around and stabbed his finger in Meinderst chest. 'Because Empire is the problem!' He said loudly, irritation and anger filling his voice. Meindert fell silent, his eyes blinking in suprise.

Cemal turned around again to walk away, but stopped in his tracks when Meindert spoke again. 'Are we finally gonna fight back?' He asked in a much more calm voice. Cemal sighed. 'I dont know Meindert...' his voice was also a lot softer. 'I dont know what is gonna happen, or how this is gonna play out' He said and turned around.

Meindert locked eyes with Cemal and he could for the first time see uncertainty in his eyes. Was Cemal.. scared? 'But I do know we need Kanta's help..' He said defeated. Meindert only nodded, deciding he wouldnt push further.

A guard suddenly walked towards them. 'Sir, a boat has been seen in the distance, it seems to be Kanta, your orders sir?' The man asked as he saluted them. Cemal looked at Meindert and the general nodded. 'Allow them to port, we will be down soon to greet them' Meindert said. The guard looked suprised but nodded anyway. He gave a slight bow and walked away.

'I'll grab a few things, you go down to the port and oversee things until I arrive' Cemal said as he gave Meindert his orders. The general nodded and turned to follow the guard. Cemal turned back and continued his path. He didnt know how this would go or what would happen, but one thing was certain.

It wouldnt go without some kind of fight.

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