Into the lion's den

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'And what may that be?' Fabienne asked looking at her with curious eyes. Shelley's eyes darkened, and she could already feel anger coming up. 'I can't say...' She said and Fabienne's eyes widened a bit. 'Why not?' Bart said with confusion. Shelley was maneuvering around some bushes while trying to keep up and talk at the same time. 'Not until I discussed it with Cemal' Shelley stated and Fabienne just looked at her.

'Aha! So he has something to do with it?' Fabienne said while grinning, reading Shelley like an open book. Shel stopped and looked at Fabie with the most neutral expression ever. As if to say, don't ask, not now. Fabienne just smiled and stayed silent. Bart just looked between them, seeing the silent conversation, but not knowing what it meant.

'Anyway, how long until were at that guys hideout?' Thirza asked looking at the chief. 'Not long' He simply replied. 'Who is that guy anyway?' Shelley asked while avoiding a few branches. 'Silvesto? Well he-' 'AUW!' Everyone turned around to look for the source of the sound. Fabienne laid on the ground with her foot stuck in some branches. 'Auch... I tripped...' She said while sitting up and trying to get her foot loose. Shelley facepalmed and walked towards Fabienne to help her.

'Stupid roots' Fabie muttered, Shel was trying to help but it was proving to be hard. Fabie's ankle seemed to be stuck in the thick roots that are all over the jungle floor. 'Let me' Bart said as he grabbed his sword and walked towards the girls. He brought the sharp blade down, cutting the roots and freeing Fabie's ankle. 'Thanks' She muttered and got up.

'Now as I said' Bart started while sheathing his sword again. 'Silvesto was a prisoner at Fort Forland, a mad scientist. He was a danger to the citizens and absolutely crazy' He said as the group continued walking. 'Anyway, were drawing close to his layout, so from now on stay silent' Bart said. Suddenly he stopped and turned towards Fabienne. 'And no tripping' He quickly said after it. Fabie gave an akward half smile and continued walking while carefully watching where she steps.

And so, they continued walking.

Jade sat in the corner of her cell. Silvesto had left a while ago, dragging the body of the mangled Kantaan. An image she would never get out of her head. She could hear sounds from one of the halls, and the tension was almost unbearable. But she was so tired, it had been a while since she had slept, and her eyes were threatening to close.

She quickly blinked to stay awake, but every time her eyes fell shut relieve washed over her.

Just.. for a second she thought and closed her eyes.

They did not open again.




'Well hello there!' A voice said happily and she opened her eyes. Grunting while rubbing her head, irritated someone woke her up. Jade was about to tell the person off but when she opened her eyes she realized where she was. Quickly she sat up straight and looked towards the scientist that stood before her cage. 'Awake?' He asked in a way too chipper voice.

'I-I fell asleep?' Jade asked mostly to herself. She couldn't believe she had let her guard down so much that she fell asleep. But she was incredibly tired. Though right now she regretted it. 'It seems so, you must have been really tired' Silvesto said, and his face suddenly got this creepy look. 'Hihi, I wonder, what would happen if you deny a human body sleep?' He turned around and chuckled. 'Even better, what if you take all the senses away? No sight, no hearing, no feeling, no tasting and no smelling'

Jade started drowning out what the scientist said, for she had hear him ramble before. And quite frankly, what he said wasn't really reassuring. Almost had Jade forget Silvesto was there when he suddenly stood before her cage again. 'But that doesn't matter now' He said while a creepy smile was plastered on his face, making Jade back up with fear. She tried to cover up her fear and looked back at him with a challenging look.

'I think it's time we gave you some attention' He said while making slow steps towards the cage. Jade's eyes widened. 'Like I want that' She said sarcastic, not wanting to give in, and willing to struggle. 'It's not like you have a choice?' He said while grabbing his keys from his a pocket inside his coat. 'They'll come for me!' Jade said standing up and preparing to fight. Silvesto only chuckled. 'Hopefully not yet, there are still some things I want to do and test' He put one of the keys into the lock and slowly turned it. A click was heard through the caves. 'Now if you come along quietly and without a fuss, then I won't have to hurt you'

Jade quickly scanned the room, searching for a way out and going through all her options. But suddenly Silvesto halted in his steps. 'It seems....' He started and took a few steps back. Just as he took the steps an arrow zoomed past him. 'We have visitors...'

'SILVESTO!' Bart's voice boomed loudly through the hollow room. Said scientist turned around and looked at Bart who held a bow in his hand. The girls and soldiers behind him. 'Let the girl go' The chief said threatening, not taking no for an answer. 'Oh... Chief.. What a pleasure to see you..' Silvesto certainly was not happy with the interference.

'Let Jade go now!' Fabienne yelled as she unsheathed her sword and got ready to fight. Shelley had also grabbed her sword and Thirza had readied her bow. 'I don't think so...' Silvesto said as he took a few steps back from the cage and towards the group. 'But now? You can join her and be a great sacrifice for science!' He said insanely.

And without warned, he grabbed his scythe like weapon and charged.

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