In ruins

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Cemal was standing in the throne room, directing a few soldiers to their post. 'Shouldn't we prepare?' Came the voice of Meindert behind him. Cemal turned around to face his general. 'I cant have these guys lazing around' He said. Meindert nodded. 'That's true, however, Ragftagar asked your presence' He said, delivering the message. 'Very well, I will see them in the meeting room' Cemal said and made its way towards the meeting room.

He quickly arrived at the meeting room and entered, Kanta was already waiting. 'Glad you could make it so quick' Ragftagar said, not looking up from the map. 'Something you need?' Cemal asked. The ex-Empirian shook his head. 'No, just wanting to check, we'll leave tomorrow an hour before midnight, am I correct?' Ragftagar asked for confirmation. Cemal nodded. 'Yeah, that was the plan'

The doors suddenly burst open and Kratis came running in, looking out of breath. 'D-danem, w-we have a p-problem!' He said while gasping for air.  Cemal immediately went over to the distressed Empirian. 'Kratis, calm down' He tried to comfort him. 'What's wrong?' He asked carefully while leading Kratis over to the chair so he could sit down.

'He knows!' Kratis exclaimed in distress. Ragftagar now stood up and walked over. 'Who knows what?' He asked, fearing where this was headed. 'Father knows! Oreon saw me here!' Kratis yelled out in frustration, the event still fresh in his mind. 'They... they tried to..' Kratis was visibly shaking by now. Cemal quickly threw his arms around him in a hug. 'Hey, its okay, you're safe now' He said, trying to comfort him.

When he let go he noticed Kratis flinch, while holding his side. 'Kratis, pull up your hand..' Cemal asked. Kratis slowly removed his hands, that were now slightly bloody. A small wound was seen on Kratis side, bleeding a bit. Not big enough to be any trouble, but enough to feel pain. 'You're hurt..' Cemal said, signaling Meindert, who had come in behind Kratis, to get medical supplies.

Kratis looked at the fresh wound. 'That.. must have happened when Oreon fired his spell...' He said softly, as if not believing Oreon actually hurt him. Meindert came back and handed Cemal the medical kit. Cemal on his turn opened it and took out a cloth, which he dipped with some alcohol. 'Lift your shirt' Cemal said, and Kratis did just that.

The wound wasn't big, just a grasp, but it would always be smart to treat it. Carefully he put the cloth on the wound. Kratis hissed when he felt the sting of the alcohol. Cemal carefully kept cleaning the wound. 'Its not deep..' He said softly, now grabbing the bandages from the kit. 'Yeah, but it hurts though..' Kratis responded.

Cemal quickly wrapped up the wound, making sure it wasn't wrapped too tight. But also making sure it wasn't too loose. 'So now what? Thanatos knows..' Bart said with a defeated voice. Everyone looked down. 'We cant back down now...' Cemal said. Meindert threw his hands up. 'But we don't have time for a new plan either!' He exclaimed in frustration.

Ragftagar sighed. 'There is no choice, we will continue as planned' The ex-Empirian spoke. Bart raised his eyebrows. 'Continue? That's a death wish!' He said in disbelief while rubbing his forehead. 'It just means we'll have to fight, and hope we come out victorious' Cemal said, while finishing up Kratis bandages.

'Are you crazy!' Bart exclaimed. 'Listen Bart, there is no backing down now, we will continue as planned' Ragftagar said, effectively shutting him up. The doors burst open a second time, revealing a guard.

'Sir! We have bad news!' The guard said. Cemal immediately turned, facing his guard with posture. 'What is it?' He said in a serious voice. The guard look extremely nervous, and grabbed a letter from his pocket. 'Miss Sanne is missing, and we found this letter in her room' The guard said, handing over the letter. Cemal immediately opened the letter and read it.

'Well, what's in it?' Meindert asked curious. Cemal's face stood worried, and he looked nervous. 'She has been kidnapped...' He said softly, while rereading the letter. Meindert looked slightly shocked. 'Kidnapped? By who?!' He said. Cemal slowly turned to face them, and looked his general right in the eye.


'Let me go! If Cemal finds out!' Sanne yelled at the Empirian guarding her cell. Ragoreon huffed, getting annoyed with the constant yelling. 'Are you even listening?!' She yelled again, getting frustrated with the silence. 'Would you just shut up...........' Oreon hissed darkly. Sanne grabbed the bars and struggled. 'No! Not until you let me out!' She yelled again, pulling at the bars with no avail.

'Is she giving you trouble brother dear?' Came the voice of Tempos. Oreon looked to his right to see his sister standing there. 'Ugh... Don't talk to me about it....' He said annoyed. Tempos chuckled slightly. 'I'm still here you know!' Sanne yelled.

'Father sent me to take guard now, girl to girl!' Tempos exclaimed. Oreon sighed. 'Finally, now I don't have to stand her yelling anymore.....' Oreon in his trademark dark voice. Sanne almost growled, she hated that they talked as if she wasn't there. 'Again! Still here!' She yelled once again. Oreon turned to look at her and growled in a feral manner. Showing his white teeth that were just a bit sharper then normal teeth should be.

'Shut it! You better stay silent....' He said, anger dripping in his voice. Sanne just narrowed her eyes at him. 'Come now brother! You just go and rest!' Tempos said in her usual chipper voice. Oreon grunted. 'Fine... Have fun with her...' He said and walked away. 'Don't talk like I'm not here!' Sanne exclaimed frustrated. But Ragoreon had already walked away, leaving her with Tempos.

Ragtempos turned to face her. 'Don't worry! Now its just us! Girl to girl..'

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