Chapter 9

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"When do you plan on getting this house and how?" I ask them.
"Selina's going out with Ivy tonight to sort it," Harley tells me.
"It's about 6 times the size of this house, we can all have a room each, no more sleeping in the same room as Harley!" Ivy says."Are we all ok now?" She asks.
"I think this little scene coming from the kid has made us alright, I suppose," Selina grins. I smile.
Harley touched my hand, the hand I burned. Before I could try and hide it, I scream in pain.
"What is it now?" Selina sighs.
"How did you do that?" Harley demanded. I look down at my hand.
"Did you shoot it?" Ivy asks.
"Of course she didn't. Check the radiator if you don't believe me," Selina tells her.
I look at her confused, then at my hand. A few patches of the skin had came off, and the rest was red and wrinkly.
"Oh my god!" Ivy whispers.
"I'll get some ice," Harley says quickly. "Go to the bedroom with her, I'll be up in a minute,"
Harley rushes out of the room.
So we exit the trashed basement and walk up to our bedroom.
"Sit down," Selina commanded. I sat on my bed and sighed with the shame. Selina crouched infront of me.
"What's happening in there, kid?" She sighs sadly, tapping my head. I shake my head and rest it on her shoulder. One of her arms awkwardly go around my shoulder and rub my back.
"We all promise we will try so hard to make you happy from now on. We've all solved our differences, but you have to promise you won't do anything like this ever again," She says sternly.
"I'll try not to, I was just mad, thats all," I say quietly. "How come you and Ivy are going together anyway? You don't know eachother,"
"That's why we are, to bond over something and get to know each other,"  Ivy tells me.
"Why do you guys care about this so much?" I ask, confused.
"You're forgetting that I've known you for a little while now. I'm actually at the point of caring now. I speak for myself, don't know about Ivy over there!" Selina laughs.
"I'm not really sure why I reacted the way I did, but I'm sure that I care," Ivy reasures me, but probably herself also.
Harley comes dashing into the room, a bag full of ice cubes. She takes one out and tells me to lay down. She gently takes my hand and places the ice cube on it, it hurts like mad, and I'm crying a little, but it's a bit cool, as there is smoke coming from my hand. I shake and almost pass out from the experience.
"Please help me, it hurts," I whimper.
"It's fine, your fine," Ivy whispers, rubbing my arm.
"I've never seen anything like this," Selina says in discust.
"Me neither," Ivy says.
"Do you know what, im just going to fill a bucket," Harley snapps. "Someone carry on for me," She gives the cube to Selina and goes to leave.
"I'll go with you," Ivy says. She goes with her.
"I'm sorry about what happened, you know. I just wanted you to be safe, but after today I've realized your fine here, and Harley can actually do you some good," Selina muttered.
"She's not totally useless, you know. And I thought we were all moving out with you?" I ask.
"Yes, of course you are, despite everything, we don't exactly know eachother well but-"
"That's why we're doing it,"
"Exactly," smiled Selina.
"How come I've never been to yours?" I ask her.
"I have no idea. Tell you what, we can go over there in about an hour? after we get Ivy and Harley out the way," Selina says.
"Yeah! I'll love that!" I beam. She smiled back at me. I flinch at my hand.
"Sorry. But seriously how hot was that thing?" Selina says stunned.
"Harley calls it the 'torture room', so we  keep it literally as hot as an oven in there. Its why we're hardly down there, because its so hot! Once Harley came out burned about four years ago now, Joker had to literally dunk her in ice, she didn't enjoy it, though he gave her alot of attention after. Anyway, all that heat came from the radiator that I put my hand on. I could literally hear it frying you know," I tell her.
"I wish I could get you sorted up there, its just you'll end up in prison after, and so will we!" Selina sighs.
"I like the crazy life!" I laugh.
"I'm sure you do, kid," she replies.
Harley and Ivy came back, both hauling a blue bucket along.
"Sit up," Harley says concentrating.
I sit cross legged on my bed and give Harley my hand. I breathe in and look away. I can feel it instantly melt the ice, though it's stop making noises and steaming.
"I should probably bandage this up," Harley murmers. "I don't have anything though," She thinks for a moment. "Oh, wait! Yes I do," She said springing up. she literally searched the room like buried treasure until she found an old pair of tights from her doctor days behind her drawer. She ripped and tore them apart until she made a long long strip. She wrapped it carefully around my hand and managed to tie it all up.
"How did you do this, Harley?" Ivy asks.
"I did a first aid course when I was a brat," Harley says, not paying attention.
"Now what are we going to do?" Ivy asks.
"You two go downstairs, we've got to talk about something," Selina nods to Harley and Ivy.
"Fair enough," Harley shrugs. Her and Ivy leave the room.
"Wanna have a private party round mine now?" Selina offers.
"Sure thing," I say happily. "How though?"
"That's what I want you to work out," She grins slyly. I get up and grab Harley's escape rope and open the window.
"Smart girl! Lets go," Selina says, holding onto me as we jump out the window together.

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