Chapter one

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Hey guys! Mini authors note saying that this is my return to fanfiction!! I needed a break from writing my books and so I've deciced to do this! Take note that this is my first Klance fanfiction so it's probably gonna be totally out of character but who cares! It's Klance! Its perfection already! Oh and just saying I totally love the idea of non-binary Aromantic Pidge (Even though I have a crush on them).

Also this is baised off a comic I seen with synthetic Keith but I don't know who the artist is so i'm not gonna repost it without their permission or without giving credit.


Anyway I should stop rambeling. Let's go!


Keith was different. That much was clear. When you dress in black every day and always have headphones on it's pretty obvious that you don't want to socialise or be acknowledged

Keith was special. That's one way to put it. People weren't really meant to 'see' things when a certain sound is released.

Keith was synthetic. That's the medical term. When someone spoke he would see colours escaping their mouth, the shades trying the match the tone of voice.

But the shades can only change so much. For some reason, to Keith, everyones voice was dull. For example take his friend Pidge's voice. They  had a feminine yet slightly deep voice. To Keith their voiced looked like grass after having been dragged through the mud on a rainy day. A murky green. Then again, Pidge did have a monotonus tone almost every time they spoke.

A better example is his brother Shiro's girlfriend. Allura. Her tone changes were easier to spot than they were on most people. It was a nice medium tone. One that makes you feel comfortable. Her Southern English accent washes over Keith and somehow calms him. It was like a motherly tone. Her's was pink. Yet still dull. You know those victorian doll houses most young girls want? The ones with the lightest pink you'll ever see? Her voice was like if someone had left one of those in the attic to collect dust and then taken out into the rain deepening the colour dramatically. A bland pink.

Even his own voice. One of which he did not know the true sound of due to inner ear and outer ear receiving sound waves differently. That's not the point. But he knew his voice was a red. However the colour wasn't as dull as the rest. Even though he hated the sound of his own voice, he enjoyed the colour of it. It was possibly his favorite colour. His voice was the colour of a ruby lost in mist. It was bright, but blurry. A hazy red.

Everyone elses voices always seemed to mix into one and become the most ugly colour Keith may have ever seen in his life. It was always a mix of dark brown, deep green, and a shadowy yellow.

This is why Keith loved his headphones so much. He could listen to music. One of his favourite joys in life. Weather he was listening to rock, alternative, heavy metal, it was bright. One of his favourite bands, My Chemical Romance was an exception. Gerard Way's voice was black. One of his favourite singers, Melaine Martinez (Someone who he would never admit he enjoyed because Shiro was the one who introduced her to him), made the most beautiful purple tones he'd ever seen. He loved the colours of music. It's the only thing that made him smile in the morning. Other than his coffee which he would take with him to the grave.

It was seven in the morning when he woke up. His brother Shiro always complained about how he slept in too much so he had set an alarm under Keith's bed. The faint sound of Billie Joe Armstrong saying "I walk a lonely road" had made him jump out of bed. Green Day always made a weird green and red combination. Keith got out of his bed only to get under it only so find Shiro's phone. He picked it up and paused  Boulevard of Broken Dreams even though it was one of his favourites. Keith got out from under his bed and walked over to his door, opening it more dramatically than needed.

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