Chapter Three

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That was the only word Keith could think of in that moment.


He knew his eyes had widened and his jaw had dropped slightly but he simply didn't care.


"Hey is... He okay?" Lance asked Pidge pointing towards Keith.


"Earth to Keith? Keith? Keeeeeiiiiith?" Pidge tried to get his attention by waving their hands infront of his face. In that moment all Keith could do was stare at Lance.

His voice was majestic. It couldn't even rival the music he listened to. Nothing was ever that bright.

"Beautiful." Keith muttered under his breath. Although, by Lance's reaction it seems he said it a bit louder than he intended. Lance's eyes were blown wide as a red tint rested upon his cheeks. Keith suddenly realised that no one else in the room truely understood what he meant.

"Wait- No I mean like, not you. I mean, you are kinda pretty I guess but what I meant was I- Your voice is- uhhh-" Keith decided to stop himself there and put his face in his hands. He could feel heat against his hands.

Thankfully. Pidge was there to save the day. Sort of.

"What Keith means is, he likes your voice." Pidge said rubbing small circles into Keith's back trying to calm him down. It didn't work.

"My voice?" Lance questioned. Keith peeked through his fingers to see that Lance was still blushing and he had self conciously raised a hand to his throat. Damn it. He's adorable.

Hunk placed a hand on Lance's shoulder, suddenly realising what was actually going on.

"Keith is, Well, Keith is synthetic." Lance's eyes widened once more as realisation struck his face.

"Wait so you can like, see my voice? Dude, that's awesome! Syntheisa is like, colour isn't it? What colour is my voice?" Lance asked excitedly. As Keith took his face out his hands he saw that Lance's face showed all kinds of excitement at this new information.

"I-It's the brightest blue i've ever seen." Keith mumbled. Lance looked exstatic, Pidge and Hunk however here a different story. Both their jaws had dropped when they had both processed what Keith had said.

"Bright!?" They both shouted. Obviously extremely surprised. They both knew that Keith only saw dull colours on voices. However this left Lance absolutely confused.

"So you're telling me I get probably the shittiest shade of green and he gets 'the brightest blue you've ever seen? The fuck man?." Pidge said jokingly annoyed. Pidge's expression seemed to turn into that of a dark one and Keith already had an idea of what they were thinking. Pidge leaned over slightly to whisper something in Keith's ear. "Isn't one of your other favorite colours purple?"

Keith practically screehed as he pushed Pidge away from himself. He could feel the heat on his cheeks signifying a blush. He clamped a hand over his mouth and cheeks and ran out of the apartment as he heard Pidge laughing histerically.

God fucking dammit, Pidge.


Lance was completely and utterly confused at the scene that just played out before him.

First of all he meets two of his best friend's friends. One of them quite short and slightly feminine looking (But he wasn't going to assume) and the other a very attractive male with a weird mullet thing going on.

The Colour Of Your Voice - KlanceWhere stories live. Discover now