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Flash back.....
   We pulled apart because we were both out of breath.
........................... End of flash back

          He pressed the go button then the elevator began to move once again. "See ya later babe" he said giving me a wink. He trudge down the hallway down to where he's supposedly I don't know his office I think?

         I went in my office and got comfortable then my phone began to ring "hello?" My voice sound weird like weird weird "oh, hello miss Parkinson. I see u met my brother in the elevator?" Oh shit he's gonna make me loose my job on my first fucking day. Deep breaths gena deep breaths "yes, I did, and how did you know that I met him in the elevator?" No no no shit cameras!! "Um... You know were brothers meaning family so he wouldn't hide any thing from me now would he?" Man his voice sounds seductive over the line "no, nope I don't think so....." I said like I didn't know what he's talking about "gena? Gena would you like to go get coffee?" He asked with a bit of confidence "um... Yeah I don't see why not".. I let out a little chuckle. 

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