chapter 2

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I never did good on planes, so being stuck on one for a long time might kill me. I'm already super scared and we haven't even started moving yet. The good thing is I have music to listen to (music has always helped me stay clam) and I'm sitting next to my brother Tyler and the window so I think I might be good. 

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, thank you for picking Delta. We are here to make your flight safe and comfortable as best as we could. So don't be afraid to ask if you need anything. We will be leaving shortly." Said the flight attendant.   

"Are you ready?" asks Tyler looking worried. I know most siblings don't like each other at times and get along but Tyler and I have always been close. There are times that he might ruin his "coolness" at school to make sure I'm fine. His friends started liking me last year so they really don't give him a hard time.

"Yea I'm ready." I say as I take his hand and lean back.

 I can do this!  I repeat to my self as the plane starts to move forward. The next thing I know Tyler is shaking me. I open my eyes and look out the window.

" Are we already in New Zealand?"  I ask.

"No silly, we have to take two planes to get there. You made the first one but we need to move to the next plane."

"Oh crap yea." I grab my stuff and follow my family to the next plane. 

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