chapter 7

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I'm so sorry I know I said I will post two times a week but I been super busy. I had a friend go up to my cottage with me so I had no time. Anyways I have everyone had a great 4th of July!



I never thought this would happened to KJ and I. We never fight and if we do, we forgive each other right away. I know what I said was really harsh and I feel like crap saying the things I did. I run to the front door to see if KJ's car was still in the driveway but it was gone already. Crap. I pull my phone out and text him

I'm soooooo sorry. What I said was really harsh and I didn't mean any of it. Please forgive me.

Nothing. He reads it but never replies. I screwed up big time. I walk back to the bedroom and start to pack up.  I take one more look around the house, I put KJ's extra key on his table and drive away.

I start to think about all the times KJ and I spent with each other. The first time we had sex, the first time we slept together, our first date, our first picture, our first everything. All my emotions start to build up again, and I let it all out. I lean over to grab my phone to call KJ, and then the next thing I know there's a big BAM. My car starts to flip down a small hill and it lands upside down. I hardly hear sirens coming, my head hurts, my eyes start to close and that's all I remember. 

"Alison, it's Dr. James, if you can hear me nod yes."

I can hear Dr. James but my head hurts too much to nod. I try to look around but again I can't. Crap wait why didn't he say "say yes"? I can still use my voice right?

"You're in the hospital. You're mom, dad, brother, and your boyfriend are here. I don't want you to use your voice right now. We had to put a tube down your mouth to give you  liquids. Now that you're awake we can take it out."

WAIT BACK UP BOYFRIEND? That now clicks in my brain, I don't have a boyfriend. KJ and I broke up.

"Okay Alison, we're going to take the tube out. So lay still." Dr. James says.

It doesn't hurt that bad but it feels funny when he starts to pull it out. 

"There, you can talk now Alison." he says.

"Where is everyone?" I ask

"They went to get some dinner. Your boyfriend has been pretty great, he's been staying with you since you got here."

"Who? Wait what date is it?"

"It's Friday. You been out for a week."

A week? Oh I guess I got caught up on my sleep haha. I hear voices coming, it sounds like Tyler.

"Alison?! You're up?!" Says my mom as she starts to cry.

"Yes mom." I say

"We thought we lost you!" My dad says.

"I'm glad you're awake sis, don't know who else I would bug haha." Says Tyler.

"Haha very funny Tyler." I say.

I heard everyone talk except KJ. My hopes start to fade that maybe Dr. James was talking about someone else. I hear Dr. James talking to my parents and then them saying goodbye as he leaves the room. 

"What the hell even happen Ally?" Tyler asks, "The cops said they you were fit by a car. The lady said you went into the other lane and she smashed right into you."

"I remember I was looking for my phone. I was going to call-"

"Me." So KJ is here.

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