chapter 6

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I really want to get to the good parts so I'm jumping into KJ and Ally's relationship. Thank you for reading Making It Possible. It truly means a lot to me. Hope you enjoy chapters to come....


KJ Apa and I ended spending the whole day together. He showed me around shops and of course food stores. It was great getting to know some famous. What people put say about them in the news are just usually BS. Learning the real KJ was great and I said that already haha sorry not sorry. If you're wondering my family was pissed at me that I left them but oh well.                       ____________________________________________________________

KJ and I have spent most of the summer together. Yes now we're dating (I know it sounds crazy). It's been fun, but it's hard getting looks from teenager girls. A lot of them come up to get pictures with him, I understand that because that's how KJ and I met but it's the dirty looks I get. 

I'm looking at comments of pictures of KJ and I. There's a lot of cute comments like 

OMG I ship them so much


Mom and dad <3

My smile falls when I see some other comments 

I hear she moved in with him, what a slut, she's just dating him cause he's famous

I know right! She just needs to kill herself

My eyes start watering. How could people say this about me? I'm not a I? WTF no I'm not. Kill myself? That's harsh. People actually want me to....end my life. A new comment comes in...

I agree! KJ probably doesn't even like her. 

This is where I just start crying like a baby. I throw my phone across the room. I grab a pillow, throw it and it knocks some things off the table. Crap. KJ comes running in the room with worry on his face. I stop crying while he looks around the room.

"Babe what happened? What's wrong?"

Should I tell him? What would he say? What would he do? I decide to lie

"Nothing. I was playing Temple Run 2, I made it so far but then I died."

"You made a mess and you're crying because of Temple Run? I'm not buying that Ally. What happened?"

I hate when KJ can tell when I'm lying. I don't know what else I could lie about.

"My friend's grandma died. She was like my second grandma."

"What friend?"

"Ellie." I say a little too fast...crap. "Why does it even matter what I'm mad about anyways KJ? I'm a teenage girl, it's normal for me to cry."

"Because I don't like seeing you mad, Alison."

"Well guess what KJ, deal with it because you can't fix everything. I have learned to deal with this kind of shit and I know you don't have this kind of problem because you're just perfect you."

When I get upset, I have a habit of pushing people away. I don't like to but I don't want people to get caught up in my shit. I am pissed that I was just a bitch to the best boyfriend I have ever had.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! I have tried to be the best boyfriend to you everyday. I let you move in with me, I gave you any dam thing you want!" 

This is the first big fight we have had...

"I want you to get your shit and be out by tonight." He says as he walks way.

....and our last one.

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