chapter 5

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I head down to The Coffee Shop. Once I walk in, I'm hit by the smell of coffee and food. I now  realized how hungry I am. I swear I haven't eaten in hours. I walk up and get ice tea and a BLT sandwich. I find a place to sit and wait for my food to come out. I'm looking down on my Iphone when I hear a male voice that I swear I heard before. I look around and OH MY FREAKING GOSH STANDING BY A TABLE I SEE KJ APA. I'm trying to decide if I should get up to take a picture with him or not. What the hell is wrong with me?! Yes I should, I bet a lot of girls go up and take a picture with him. I look over at KJ again and we make eye connect. Yea yea you're like she's just thinking that but no because he actually freaking walks over to me smiling. 

"Hey can we take a picture?" I ask trying to sound normal. 

"Yes of course. What's your name?"

"Alison or Ally."

I ask someone to take a picture, I stand next to him and he puts his arms around me. Oh my gosh he smells so good. Okay breath Ally, breath. KJ asks the person to take a picture on his phone too. IM GOING TO BE ON HIS PICTURE IN HIS PHONEEEEEE. After we take pictures he turns to me. 

"What's your Instagram or Snapchat?"

Oh my lord, someone tell me this isn't just a dream. I give him my usernames and he follows/adds me. 

"What are doing today?" I ask YOLO right?

"Not much."

"Wanna eat lunch with me?"

"Sure, let me get my food and I'm come over."

Breath Breath Breath

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