04: Mail Box

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"Daniel wake up, time to check the mail box!" Daniel sat up from his bed. He has been awake for almost one hour ago, it just that he doesn't want to get out yet.

he already took a shower the moment he woke up. Since, it become a habbit. He get out of his room wearing his uniform. "oh~ you're early, sweetheart." his mom said and patted him at his back.

"yeah~ good morning." he reply and went ahead the front door to check the mail box.

Every morning it is his duty to check the box because news paper delivery, usually put the news paper inside of it, or maybe a post arrived from someone related to their family. As he open the box, there is no news paper at all only a familiar white envelope, where his name is written on the front. He looked around the street, a man that is looking at it's watch, and someone who is wearing a red cap, on the other side of the street who is completely engrossed on the thing on it's hand.

He went inside the house, and immediately ripped the envelope to get the letter inside it.

Good morning, Daniel. Are you starting to get irritated about receiving a letter from me?. how is your hand? did you see a doctor? what did the doctor say?. I really wanted to know. Are you going to attend today's morning practice? if you are, I'll be watching. I know, I can't bring back the time, but at least I can bring back those moments that I treasure the most. Those moment that I shared with you. It may sound impossible since, you doesn't remember anything. Open your heart, my love. Only then, you will know everything. Only then, your heart will remember. Well, I'll see in a bit in school, my Daniel.


"Daniel, break fast is ready!" his mom called from the kitchen.

He still holding the letter in his hands when he enter the kitchen. His mom and dad where looking at him in confuse, as he give them a cold look.

"Just what happen to me, three years ago?" The four corner of the kitchen turned into a dead panned silence.

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