Chapter 3

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'You know what, I'm the writer,  I make the main character whoever I want,  hmph. Update? Oh gosh this is going to be terrible.'

(Next day)

"No, don't leave. She needs you! You idiot don't leave! " I yelled at the tv.

"No!" I shrieked, bursting into tears. I tended to get way into the shows that I watch, so this kind of reaction was nothing new.

"It's okay Y/n, calm down," Thomas said, petting my hair. 

"But she needs him! A-and he needs her! And-and-" I fumbled for words, playing with my hands and letting my tears drip down onto my sleeves.

"You get way into these shows." I glared at him, frowning at him under my hair. He chuckled, and opened his arms.

"Alright I'm sorry, come 'ere," he said. It wasn't humanly possible to stay upset at this angel. So with a huff I, slightly reluctantly, wrapped my arms around him.

'Fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff.'

"You're adorable, getting way into fandoms like this." He commented, hugging me back in a comforting way.

"You are too," I muttered, burying my face into his shoulder to hide my blush.

After a few seconds of silence I glanced up at him.

A slight red blush had spread across his face and his hands moved to cover his face.

He inhaled deeply, then yelled into his hands. I laughed and sat up. 

"See? Adorable," I commented, reaching up to play with his hair.

He muttered something into his hands, before moving them and pouting.

"Why are you so mean to me?" He asked, pouting like a child.

"I don't know. Why are you so perfect?" I asked. Then I realized what I had said. "Uh... I said nothing. You heard nothing." I said, giving him a threatening glare.

'Blush fest! Just like that one time. Heh, that was hilariously adorable.'

"It's hard to feel threatened when you are a tomato."

I took a deep breath then blew it out through my nose. 

"You're face is a tomato." I shot back.

'I wonder if writing exactly what happened is a little to on the nose... Meh, it's not like he reads these anyways.'

"Great comeback, but not the best. I'd give it a seven out of ten."

"I'd give your face a seven out of ten."

"Just stop."

"Make me."

'And this is where I change the events.'

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