Chapter 4

194 17 14

Hamilton's pov

Angelica and I stayed outside until most of the people had left the party. The only ones left inside were John, Hercules, and Laf. I lifted my hand that was on Angelica's hip up to her back where her skirt ended, her skin was freezing.

"You're cold."

"I'm fine," I shrugged off my jacket and slid it through my cuff into her side of the cuff, slipping it up her arm. "Thank you."

"Do you go inside? There are not so many people anymore."

"Sure," She said while pulling back, but before she totally moved away, I intertwined her hand with mine once again. She gave me a soft smile, I reached my hand over to her left hand to look at her wrist. I gently held it up, it was covered in deep purple bruises.

"Does it hurt?"

"Well duh." She pulled it back to her side,

"Laurens can probably tell you if anything's wrong," She quickly shook her head,

"I don't want anyone else to see it."

"He wouldn't tell anyone, none of my friends would." She looked at me,

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, I guess." We walked through the glass door back to my friends, who were all talking on the couch. But they all went silent when they saw us, she looked at me and gave me a nervous look. I led her over to John, and gently took her wrist in my hand,

"Can you tell me if anything is wrong with her wrist?" John looked at her wrist, confusion riddling his features, he took it from me turning it over.

"The bruises look like a hand print. Did you do that, Alexander?" He looked up at me, the same expression on his face when he first saw Angelica's wrist.

"No." He cast his eyes down again and poked her wrist,

"Does that hurt?"

"Yeah," He poked it again,



" I think It's dislocated,"

"Can you fix it?" I asked,

"Sure, but it's going to hurt."

"It already hurts, just fix it," Angelica said, John positioned her hand and pushed. Angelica took a breath through her teeth and squoze my hand.

"Try not to move it too much," Laurens said, Angelica nodded,

"How did you get that gnarly bruise?" Hercules asked,

"Someone grabbed it in a crowd." She responded,

"Weird," Laf said,

"Are you done with that?" Angelica asked Laf and pointed to something, but I couldn't tell what it was.

"Yeah sure," He handed her a red cup, she took it fast managing to get a few swigs.

"Angelica!" I yelled, dropping her hand while trying to take the drink from her, she gave me a glare,

"Whoa," Laf chuckled,

"Why the hell are you handcuffed?" Hercules asked,

"A stupid science project," I said handing the drink back to Laf,

"Can we sit down?" Angelica asked,

"Sure." We walked over to the couch and sat next to Laf. Angelica kicked off her shoes, we sat there for about twenty minutes. I was casually slipping into conversation with my friends, but I had noticed that Angelica wasn't talking.

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