Sneak peek

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YEAHHHH sorry for taking so long to update, I am writing a one shot for someone else and it is taking allllllll of my time. So I decided to have a sneak peek of a chapter FARRRRR in the future, because I wrote it lol. ALSO THANK YOU FOR 300 READS!! I know that may seem like not a lot, but I'm pretty surprised anyone wants to read my crap. If you still want to request something for this book I'm still open to them!! Also if you have an idea or prompt for a one shot or something private message me and there is a high chance I will write it, and I can write pretty much any ship but I can write pretty easily for Tomgelica and Hamgelica. ANYWAYSSS here is the sneak peek.....

My dear Alexander,
This letter will not be delivered to you until you have boarded your plane and headed off to (secret). If you recall a few nights ago we took a long drive in your car. Being with you comforted me and I was pulled into the depths of sleep for the first time in days.
(Paragraph of secrets) and that I regret. Then I started a fight, a fight that pushed you to the edge and made you reveal what had been on your mind.
I realized that without you here, I am lonely. It will probably be (SECRET PARAGRAPH)
I am packing for (secret) now as you read this letter. I will be continuing my degree at (law school I haven't decided which one lollllll). I could not bring myself to tell you this piece of information in person. Please do forgive me Alexander, don't forget to write me.
Ever yours,

I didn't realize how much of this would give away other chapters so a lot of it was cut out sorryyyyyyy.

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