The final update.

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Hi guys. Today I just need to tell you that I can't update this story anymore, I lost inspiration. I think I need to better my writing skills for now and also work on my mental heath. I have a lot to do. I go to school, I have a job, and I'm on two competitive dance teams. That's a lot to juggle on it's own and writing on top of it is too hard for me. I don't know how other amazing writers do it.

I think I need to better my writing skills. I'm not confident in what I can write right now. I don't like what I write, and I hate my own style. I need a lot of practice.

From now on I think I'm only going to do one shots, and probably for other fandoms.

If you all want me to make head-cannons of what I had planned for this series just tell me and I'll make them but I don't want to make them if nobody wants it.

I'm really grateful to all the people who have loved this story. It means SO much to me and I am just speechless at how many views and comments their are. Thank you, and sorry if I disappointed you.

Truly yours,
Alana Red.

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