This is like very super important

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SOOO my computer has been broken I just got an update from my grandpa...

Soooo my chapter I'm currently writing is saved on my computer so I FLIPPEN CANT CONTINUE THIS BOOK FOR LIKE A MONTH!! I will try supper hard but I don't think I can! BUT I WILL POST HAMGELICA ONE SHOTS if I cannot continue it

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Soooo my chapter I'm currently writing is saved on my computer so I FLIPPEN CANT CONTINUE THIS BOOK FOR LIKE A MONTH!! I will try supper hard but I don't think I can! BUT I WILL POST HAMGELICA ONE SHOTS if I cannot continue it. So make sure to follow me for updates, ANDDDD I wrote poem

You are the poem I dare not write,
For which i dare not convey my feelings,
Because truly I love you,
But I fear what I do not understand
And I will never understand my love for you
I have learned the world does not owe you a cent
But I'm hoping it will be gracious this once
You are the poem I dare not write
Because it seems I have lost,
Lost what I never had

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