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We both know that letting go is the hardest part in a relationship. I love you and you know that but your heart is not for me, it is for someone else. I admit that I still love you and has not yet moved on from what happened. Honestly, I am afraid to lose you and lose you again. But, we also both know that I need to move on. I need to let go to be purely and absolutely happy again just like before. I wanted to stop these tears, these sleepless nights, these defense mechanisms just to forget my feelings for you because it only results me to become more drowned in you; because in everything I do, it reminds of you. It reminds of you and I together. I have decided to love myself and think of myself rather than spending my time tearing my heart apart loving you. You might be my greatest love, but you will never be my true love. Thank you for being wonderful and showing me things that amazes me. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for your unending support and concern for me. Sorry for getting all of these wrong. Sorry if I have to let go of you, this is the only and the best way for me to heal and to be genuinely happy in life. You know my worth and I thank you for that. Just like the stones that I built in your house, I pray that I will have enough strength to let go and move on. I will leave you for a while and come back again as soon as my heart heals and I truly found myself whole again. Remember, I will always be one of those stars you look upon every night; watching you and praying for you. You will be my best friend, forever.

The Girl Moving On From Friendzone

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