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there was a girl whose heart is broken and soul is shattered. there was a boy whose life is fuck as him. they accidentally met each other. he would make her smile every time he sees her sad. he would make her laugh every time her tears are falling. he would make her fall in love again, every time she tries to fix her broken heart. every night, they went into this calm and peaceful place. it is above the city where the lights gave her serenity and the stars gave her tranquility, but, he could only gave her the best night of her life. she tells her, her story and he listens like a child excitedly waited for a new story to be read. he tells her secrets in this world she never knew. she dances with the wind. she sings with the rain. she loves the view and so did he. he would always sings to her a song, she would always makes him feel loved. they loved each other... as she thought, they did. this is their quiet place, this is their comfort zone. they would always escape the reality and so the people who hurts them. he would kiss her like his first time and she would hug him like her last time. she would whisper to him good words he never heard o someone, he would love her like she never felt love before. this is their sweetest escape. this is their fairytale. for she thought fairytales do come true, she was right. fairytales do come true, but, all fairytales have their tragic, unhappy ending. a black magic devoured his heart and he left her without saying a word. a magic spell, awakens her. it was just a dream. it was only a dream.

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