chapter 3

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The name of the song is give me sympathy by metric and I want you to give me request and tell me what I should add and what you want me to do

Marin and his sisters got dressed and packed their things. Marin had on a loose   fitting shirt and some jeans, Tara had on a white shirt and black shorts, and Sara had on a flowing light blue dress and her blue hair was in a French braid with silver and gold ribbons woven in. They gather the rest of their
Things and walk out the door. Marin looks up at the sky. He sees the green, pink, and orange sky with the bright red sun glaring in the distance. He's heard that out side of the time pocket (Emora) that he lived in the skys were different colors. Time pockets are fragments and chunks of time that gather up and form small worlds. He heard stories about a world that has a bright blue sky. "That would be beautiful"he thought to him self.

He takes one last look at the house and sighs. He turns back to his sisters " I hope we get to come back here. I'll miss this place." Marin says as he places his hand on the wall.

"Oh c'mon Marin stop being so depressing" Tara says and softly punches his arm "You know we'll come back here"

In a way she was right but the next time they see their lovely home again it won't end nicely. Now we're getting to the part were things get interesting. If you want a book with happy endings and loveable characters well this story does have some loveable characters, but if a happy ending is what you're after look somewhere else. I can assure you that in this story no one wins. If I were you I would stop reading this and read something nice and uplifting or if your like me and love dark and twisted stories then dear readers make your self a cup of tea, coffee or any type of beverage and prepare for a dark and messed up story about an eighteen year old boy named Marin and his hardships.

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