chapter 6

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Marin finds him self chained to a wall. He looks down and he's covered in blood and wounds. He looks around the room it is completely white except for the various blood stains and puddles on the floor and walls. He hears a door open and sees a man with gray hair and blue eyes walks into the room. He has on a white lab coat, a white pair of pants, a white shirt, and a white surgical mask.

"Hello Marin, how are you today?" The man says.

Marin mumbles "Terrible."

"That's 'terrible doctor frainteso' to you" frainteso says." You know we're just doing some tests that's all. If you cooperate you'll be home in no time." He says calmly.

"You won't"Marin replies.

"What do you mean?" The calmness fading from frainteso's voice.

"You won't let me go. You'll just keep me here. Your turning me into a living weapon."

"How do you know that?" He asks his voice frantic.

"When they put me to sleep, I wasn't fully asleep. I could hear everything." Marin says a smirk on his face.

"Why are you telling me this"

"You've watched me fall apart" marin's hair starts to slowly turn white. "Now it's my turn." Marin looks up one of his soft red eyes was now a bright sapphire blue and his vains were a deep shade of black.

The doctor panics and grabs a scalpel and slashes Marin's cheek with it. The doctor runs out of the room. Marin's hair and eye turns back to its natural color, but his vains where still black.

Two women with knifes and syringes burst into the room.

Marin hears a voice " can I have control? I won't fail this time." Marin sees Niram standing there their smile gleaming dangerously as always. Marin looks up, "Do it."

Niram smiles evily "your wish is my command" Marin's vision turns red and he loses control. He sees him self break free of the chains and attack the women. He watches in shock as he sees himself attack and kill hordes of people. Then suddenly his vision goes black.

When he regains consciousness he finds him self in the ruins of the lab, bodies scattered everywhere. Niram stands their teeth covered in blood. "See letting me have control, isn't always bad."

"Killing about a hundred is bad. No matter who they are" Marin replies a bit annoyed.

Niram sighs "your no fun you know"

"Your idea of fun is anything that involves Gore or some form of torture"

"Awwww you know me so well."

"Can you just let me wake up. I don't want to be mumbling and thrashing around in my sleep in front of a stranger" he says "a cute one at that" he mumbles.

"Awww does little Mar Mar have a crush" Niram asks in a mocking tone.

"N-no" Marin blushes

"You just keep telling your self that. I guess I should let you wake up now and tell your little crush I said hi" Niram smiles and flashes their blood stained teeth.

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