Chapter 14: Decisions, Decisions.

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(POV) Peggy:

"What?" I gasp, as John fills me in on their findings.
Hercules and Lafayette nod solemnly.
"I always knew he was a dick but murder?" It seemed so extreme... even for Thomas. "So definitely his sisters and possibly Hamilton?" I ask.
"Definitely Hamilton... I think." Says John, fidgeting in his seat.
"Let's not jump to conclusions... okay?"
They all agree, even Hercules who's reluctant.
"So where do we go from here?"
"I say we show him up..." Murmurs Hercules, quietly, and the other two nod.
"So... how do we show him up then." I ask.
"Show people, I have a good idea..." John says, smiling slightly. "We could each photograph the evidence, then show people in study hall?"
"I like that!" We all say, and John smiles proudly.
"I'm just happy to help a good friend!" He says pulling Hercules close.
"You're so cheesy mate!" Hercules shouts, laughing, but it doesn't stop him from letting John hug him.

(TIME SKIP - Study Hall, Next Day:)

I stand up with Hercules, Lafayette and John, ready to tell the school the truth. Luckily, Jefferson isn't in this class, so he can't interrupt.

(POV) Hercules:

"A few days ago, Thomas Jefferson humiliated me during a lecture." I shout, trying to keep my voice level and calm. I see the students look up in surprise. "He printed out some dumb-ass photos of me." I hear a collective snigger, but decide to ignore it. The teacher stares at me, but luckily doesn't tell me to stop so I continue. "I was so pissed that I tried to find something stupid on Jefferson. What I found was much worse." Everyone's staring at me now, curious. I'm a sweaty mess, shaking and I can tell I'm blushing - my ears feel on fire! I go back to my speech. "I looked through the archives of Mr James Madison's diary. It had records of Thomas' secrets, his rules, punishments, and something else." I pause and look up to see everyone staring at me in interest, many engulfed in my story. I take a breath before going on, "Jefferson had nine siblings. He killed two of his siblings - Jane and Elizabeth Jefferson - in fits of rage, leaving one decapitated, and the other strangled to death. Guilty, he told Madison, who being too scared to tell anyone else, wrote it down in his diary." Everyone gasps and looks at me wide eyed.
"If you don't believe me, then listen to this extract from Madison's diary: 'Today I was told something that terrified me. Thomas killed two of his siblings. He decapitated one and strangled the other one too death. How? What if he does that to me? I know I can piss him off sometimes but what if I get killed. I am so scared! What if he gets arrested? What if he kills someone we know? I'm so scared.' That's just a small bit of it." I tell them.

There's a pause.
"Madison wrote that?" Asks a girl whose name escapes me.
"Yes." I reply.
She walks up to me and holds my hand and smiles at me. "We need to bring justice to him."
I smile at her then beckon to Lafayette and John. They come forward, Lafayette holds my hand, John holds his, and Peggy holds his.
A few more people run up and hold on until suddenly many people have united and we're a chain.
"We will get justice!" I tell them and they all cheer.
This will be interesting.

The teacher just stares at us.

"There's room for more" I tell her shyly and to my surprise she dashes forward and holds hands with someone else.
"Thank you." She says.

We can do this.

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