Daisy's Untitled Birthday Smut!

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Daisy's Untitled Birthday Smut! by @ at_the_c_side on LiveJournal

When two people connect with each other, they find themselves falling into sync. That's why Brendon's found that when Ryan runs his hand through his own hair, he reaches up to do the same, and when he catches Ryan shooting him a heated look across the practice room he's startled because he was honestly about to do just that. It's also why Brendon likes this the best; the significant hitches in Ryan's breathing that collide with the stutters of his own, the tiny twitches that he finds himself mirroring.

Brendon sighs contentedly, dancing his fingers over Ryan's body almost gracefully as his skin responds to every fleeting touch. The best things are small, when he has Ryan to himself, but to be quite honest, he’ll take whatever he can get.

"Brendon," he gasps, and Brendon gets the feeling that if his eyes weren't covered he'd be glaring. Only for show, but he would.

Brendon blindfolded him around a half-hour ago. It wasn't spur-of-the-moment, they've done it before. He's pretty sure the image will be burned across the backs of his eyelids forever. As much as Ryan claims he doesn't like being teased, his harsh intakes of breath and pleasured groans that he bites back determinedly, they give him away every time.

Ryan's teeth dig into his lower lip, trying to stem the hiss of, "S-stop, stop teasing."

"Ross, you love it," Brendon returns as he lets his hands skate along the line of his hipbones, fingers dragging around his cock but never quite touching. He likes this, likes seeing him this way. His hands are tied, too, skinny wrists knotted together expertly with the soft fabric of one of Ryan's multitude of scarves, the cousin of the one covering his eyes. The material is threaded around one of the bars of the headboard, keeping his arms stretched above his head. Ryan is laid out completely naked on his back, with Brendon sitting atop his thighs, and Brendon can't stop looking, can't seem to fit it all into his mind, the pale skin and the slight jut of his ribs, exaggerated by how his arms are pulled just taut enough.

He bends his head down to place a light, ticklish kiss just under his ribcage, and Ryan jumps, unexpecting. "Brendon," he says, "seriously," and Brendon recognises the tone, edged with a little more desperation. A shiver runs through him.

He grins, even though there's no one to see, as he watches Ryan's hands flex in the bonds. It had been a precaution; he'd wanted him to be still, stay still, but he knows Ryan better than he knows himself sometimes, knows he wouldn't comply. "Hold onto the headboard," he'd told him, just to prove himself right, and Ryan's fingers had disobediently uncurled one too many times.

Ryan shifts stubbornly underneath Brendon's weight on his thighs, pushing upwards for any kind of purchase, and Brendon tuts, amused.

"Do you want me to tie your legs down, too? You've got enough pointless scarves, don't think I won't do it," he laughs. Ryan huffs, but his movements still at the words.

Smirking with satisfaction, Brendon relents slightly and ghosts light fingers across the crown of Ryan's cock, watching the change in his face, surprise written into the slack line of his mouth. He strokes slowly down and back up twice with a loose fist, and Ryan groans quietly as he tries and fails to snap his hips upwards for more, faster, better. Keeping the motion of his hand going, Brendon leans forward until his lips brush the shell of his ear, breathes feathery kisses onto the skin there that make Ryan whine and twist his head blindly into the touch. "Fuck, fuck," he gasps, "Brendon, fuck."

Babbling curses continue to fall from Ryan's soft lips when Brendon moves his hand away from his dick, a long string of meaningless words please and Brendon and want and more, so much so that if anyone could hear, they might assume he was distressed or uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, it was all Ryan's idea, Ryan who had first asked, begged to be pinned down, to be taken, so many months ago; had first confessed to Brendon with shame-tinted cheeks exactly what he's always wanted and needed, to have just the right amount of control taken from him, and Brendon knew.

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