Chapter 4: Darth Nexu

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Chapter 4

Nikkus walked through the Jedi Temple slowly, taking everything in. This had been his home for nearly his entire life. The walls, the floors, and even the smell were so familiar to him that he didn't notice them anymore. Where most people would've been amazed by the designs and architecture of the temple, he simply saw it as his home. He had always found the temple peaceful, however in the past year that had all changed. He no longer felt as if this was a place of peace. It was more like a prison, keeping him in and locking in his full potential so that he could never unleash it on the galaxy. As he had trained and prepared to face the Sith who he had believed to be his brother's killer, that prison became even more daunting. As if he would never break out and finally defeat the sith. The Jedi were holding him back. No matter how much he had trained in their ways, and how much his skills improved, he still could feel that there was something more. Something out of reach for any of the Jedi who were unknowingly locked in the prison the order had created for them. However, as he walked through the halls, which were surprisingly empty, he felt as if he had started to break free from this prison. He felt freedom approaching quickly. Freedom from not only the temple, but from himself. From the limitations which he had imposed on himself in the name of the order which he followed since he was a child. He now knew that the Jedi were corrupt. They were people, not gods. And like any person, they had their own viewpoints and agendas which drove their actions. The council was not acting out of the will of the force anymore, but rather their own will. And Nikkus could not support that. Especially when their will was to kill Nikkus and Kels.

As he approached a metal door, which was covered in an intricate design consisting of numerous brown and red hues, he took a deep breath and entered the room. Inside, Kels was lying on her bed. She was awake, levitating a small device with the force and letting it float, only to drop it as she saw Nikkus enter the room. Instantly, she jumped out of the bed. She was scared, but she did not reach for her lightsaber. She did not sense that Nikkus was here to hurt her.

"Nikkus.. You're alive" she said, taking the moment in, not quite sure how to react to her longtime friend. Nikkus smiled slightly at her, despite knowing that the moment would be short lived. He took in her presence, a unique feeling which he had felt through the force from the second he met her. Her dark hair flowed down past her shoulders, and her big, brown eyes showed concern. Clearing his mind, and focusing on his purpose, he cleared his throat.

"You act surprised. I take it the Jedi have already filled your mind with lies about me, haven't they?" Nikkus said, pain evident in his voice, along with anger which was clawing it's way out of the darkest parts of his soul. Kels was taken aback by how straightforward he was about this. Normally, Nikkus wouldn't have been so direct. He would've teased her a bit, made a joke about the situation. But not now. Nikkus knew all too well that it was only a matter of time before the Jedi realized he had returned to the temple, and decided to take him out, probably taking Kels prisoner as well for her association with him.

"They... They told me you turned to the Dark Side, Nik... That you joined the Sith... what happened after I blacked out?" Kels asked. After Ka had told her about Nikkus's betrayal, she had felt hurt. This was her closest friend, and for him to just abandon her made her feel as if he didn't care at all. However she knew in her gut that there was more to the story, and despite the new darkness which she felt within Nikkus, which seemed to be growing by the second, she sensed that he was not here to hurt her.

"Master Ka said that? He really is not the man I thought he was. As his padawan, I looked up to him. But now I see through his lies. Master Ka has tainted the order. He is deceiving you, as he did to me." Nikkus said, his anger growing more evident as he spoke about his old Master.

"Is it true? Have you joined Darth Zion? Even after he nearly killed me?" Kels asked, praying that his answer would be good enough to convince her of his innocence. Nikkus shook his head. There was so much she didn't know. So much she didn't understand. And he didn't have time to explain it all.

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