Chapter 7: The Great War

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Chapter 7

It was a peaceful night on Coruscant. The air was cool and the only lights in the city came from the buildings, whose windows looked like stars when they were illuminated in the darkness. Though it was a near perfect night for any individual to relax and not worry about the stress of their day, or the day that was to come in the morning, the scenery was about to change. Nobody, not even the Jedi, could predict the chaos and horror which was about to engulf the city, and change the Galaxy forever.

As most of the Jedi were sound asleep in the temple, five guards stood on the front steps. They were the night workers, and they stood absolutely still, not moving or talking. From a distance, they could easily be mistaken for statues. However, up close, the trained eye could notice their chests rising and falling with their breaths. As they stood silently, two hooded figures suddenly walked into view. They stopped at the bottom of the steps, pausing briefly before continuing up the stairs. Immediately, one of the guards stepped forward, walking towards the top of the stairs and stopping, the hilt of his lightsaber resting in his right hand.

"Halt. The temple is on lockdown until morning. It's time for you to leave" He said in a loud, strong voice. He could sense a great deal of darkness surrounding these individuals, and he knew almost instantly that they were not going to obey him. And, as he expected, they kept walking forward. The guard ignited his yellow lightsaber, pointing it down the steps towards the two figures.

"Turn around! You will not be permitted to enter the temple" He yelled. The two individuals stopped, and one removed their hood, revealing the face of Darth Nexu.

"You didn't say please" he said with a sinister smile. Suddenly, a ship flew overhead. The guards, along with the Sith, looked up as it flew over, releasing three missiles as it did. As they accelerated towards the ground, the two Sith were already prepared for the blast. The explosion was massive, sending a shockwave throughout the building and bringing large pieces of the temple down, nearly blocking the main entrance. The guard barely managed to dodge a falling piece of rubble as it came crashing down to the ground where he stood moments before. Diving out of the way, he rolled and stood to his feet, holding his lightsaber defensively. The blast had managed to kill two of the five guards who were on duty, and the other three wasted no time in rushing the hooded men who were obviously behind this act of terrorism. Sprinting through the smoke, the two guards prepared themselves for an attack, which they knew was inevitable, however when they emerged on the other side of the smoke, they were horrified to see that the only person there was the third guard, whose neck had been snapped. The two Sith were nowhere to be found. Confused, the guards looked all around, trying desperately to get some sight of the men who killed their comrade. As they looked, they suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from beyond the smoke. However it did not sound like the footsteps of two men. No, this was much worse than that. As the smoke began to clear, allowing for their vision to improve, the guards stood in horror as they saw an army approaching quickly, armed to the teeth, and led by Noah, who was fully clad in his mandalorian armor.

Inside the temple, the Jedi had all awoken to the sound of the explosion outside. Their small rooms all lit up simultaneously as each member of the order sensed danger unlike anything they had ever felt. Nobody felt this feeling more than Master Danz, who had awoken from a nightmare in a cold sweat. He was breathing heavy as he tried to get the image out of his head. He could see his dream so vividly. Jedi being slaughtered, Coruscant falling to the Sith, everyone around him falling to the blade of Darth Nexu. As the reality of what was occurring set in, Danz tried to shake the thought as he rushed downstairs, knowing that the end of an era was fast approaching.

Down the hall, Alek had awoken to the sound of the blast as well. Though he could feel fear creeping through him, he could also feel a different emotion. One he knew he shouldn't feel: excitement. He could sense Nexu's presence, and he knew his time was now. He would finally be able to have a rematch, and this time he would win. Rushing out his door, he nearly ran into Kels and Jarret, both of whom were running towards the front entrance, where the explosion came from.

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