Chapter 8: Prototype

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Chapter 8
Ricardus woke up with a smile on his face. He didn't know exactly what time it was, and it really didn't matter, being that he was no longer staying on any planet. In space, time only depended on the individual's perception. There was no sunrise, nor was there a sunset. The nearest sun was actually quite far from his current location, and this was done on purpose. Because of the lack of a sun, there was very little chance that someone would stumble upon the massive space station which Ricardus, along with over a hundred crew members from his original team, were currently residing. As Ricardus exited his room, he was almost instantly met by Brian, who had been given the important task of monitoring the progress made on the station, which was simply referred to as "The Prototype". This title in itself told Brian that this was not a final product. Despite the destructive power of this magnificent station, more powerful weapons were to come in the near future.
"I have received word from Darth Nexu himself. The temple has fallen and the Jedi have fled to exile on Dunum. Everything is falling into place nicely. Are you ready to test out your project, Rich?" Brian said, taking a surprisingly light tone in spite of the dark matters they were talking about. Brian had always been somewhat apathetic to those he killed. Noah was always the one with a more strict moral code. Brian, on the other hand, did the things he did for fun. He enjoyed the game that was Bounty Hunting. He enjoyed the action. And most importantly, he enjoyed the money, and this mission would provide all of that and more. Besides, Nexu had been a friend of his for years, so that added to the enjoyment.
"I hope they hurry up and get their asses here. I don't want to move the station prematurely and alert the Jedi of our attack" Ricardus said, obviously anxious about the performance of his device. This had been his life's work. If it were to fail, he didn't know how he could carry on. But worse than that, Zion would probably execute him for his failure.
"Don't worry, Nexu and Zion will be arriving shortly, and then it will be our time. Until then, make sure this station is fully operational, and get the force chamber ready. Nexu says they have two test subjects to use." Brian said.

Meanwhile, on the planet Dunum, the remainder of the Jedi had gathered. Since the origin of the order itself, the planet Dunum, which was a planet that was more beautiful than any in the galaxy and consisted of nearly endless wildlife, had been a sanctuary for Jedi. Exiles would often come here to find inner peace, and padawans would sometimes be sent here to curb their behavior and to bring them closer to the light side of the force. Now, it was a planet filled with terror. The remaining Jedi had no discernible leader, no sense of Order, and most importantly, no faith. Their faith and hope had been wiped out when the Sith slaughtered them and destroyed their temple. Now all that remained was dread. As the last of the Jedi got situated in the large temple, which once was home to some of the most powerful Jedi in history, three Masters walked through a small field behind the massive structure. The field was relatively untouched, and various species of plants had grown in the years since anyone formerly resided here. Each of these plants held a strong connection to the living force, and as the masters walked, they each sensed this.
"It was a mistake to come here. We should have found a new location. Nexu must know that we are here by now" One of the jedi said, clearly concerned. He was a twi'lek, with green skin and eyes that showed warmth despite the circumstances.
"We had no other option. This was the only safe place. The Sith struck us at our home. We are out of options" replied the second master, a Rodian whose big, black eyes were constantly scanning the area slowly.
"You're right. We are out of ways to resolve this peacefully. As much as we are all against it, we must prepare ourselves for war, if we are to preserve the Jedi order" the third Master spoke. This man, a human with Grey hair and pale skin, was approaching 80 years old. He had seen everything the galaxy had to offer in it's years, and he had never seen a threat like this. Not in his lifetime did he ever imagine that he would witness the temple destroyed, or the Sith finally defeating the Jedi. But now he was faced with the reality. Peace would be unachievable if they didn't strike back, so that was what they were going to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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