Chapter 5: Retaliation

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Chapter 5

The planet Tatooine was one large desert. The sand was seemingly endless, and the heat was enough to kill anyone who didn't come prepared. In the day, when the planet's twin suns were shining down, the heat was almost always over a hundred degrees. However at night, when the suns had set and the indigenous species of the planet were out on the hunt, the temperatures fell to a level that could be dangerous. This type of planet was not a place the Jedi Order visited often, and the Republic left it alone because they knew it was too remote to control effectively. Because of this, Tatooine was a place which attracted all types of criminals. From those who simply wanted to stay hidden, to those who wanted to make a fortune from smuggling, Tatooine had it all. Every type of scum and villainy was represented,  and there was nowhere that this was more evident than in Mos Eisley spaceport. The spaceport was filled with various bars and clubs, all worn down and filled with the worst kinds of people. Smugglers, druggies, bounty hunters, and gangsters were just some of the interesting folks who inhabited the small area.

As the planet's twin suns were setting, casting an orange glow on the brown planet, a lone figure walked through the spaceport, which was very much alive despite the night rapidly approaching. The figure was wearing a long, black robe which swayed as the hot air blew against it. He kept his head down as he walked, not interacting with any of the dealers who tried to gain his attention, or even the small children who were begging for money to take home to their parents. None of them even received a reaction from the man,

Darth Nexu was not a fan of places like these. It reminded him of the lower levels of Coruscant, except ten times worse. And it didn't help that he hated sand with a burning passion. He was very out of place here, but he had a mission, and he wasn't about to disappoint his master. He knew too well that if he did, it would be his fatal mistake. Approaching the largest building in the spaceport, which had clearly been a massive arena at some point, he lowered his hood and walked in, using the force to swing the rusty metal door open. He imagined that years ago, this was a place where people came to be entertained. To watch barbaric battles and to see people tear each other apart. Nexu pushed his wandering thoughts aside as he stepped through the doorway, preparing himself for whatever he was about to meet on the other side. As soon as he was inside, two Gamorreans, large, piglike creatures with green skin and a putrid odor radiating from their bodies, approached him. They were dressed in attire which resembled that of guards, and they had pikes in their hands which would surely do damage to a weaker foe, but Nexu was not concerned. Months of training under Darth Zion had made him more powerful than he had ever imagined. Using what he already had studied, as well as his hereditary powers, he was able to excel faster than any of his father's previous students, including Ryan. Zion still had much to teach him, but as far as the rest of the Galaxy was concerned, the man who used to be Nikkus Degd was now one of the most dangerous men alive.

As Nexu took another step, he reached out his hand, and flicked his wrist, sending the two Gamorreans flying into each other, and causing them to fall to the ground. Nexu walked casually past them as they struggled to stand. Directly in front of him, standing on a platform surrounded by men and women of various alien races, the latter of which were dressed in flashy clothes, with chains holding them to the platform itself, was a man who Nexu knew would be hard to deal with. Zak Godsel was a notorious gangster, and he had allies throughout the galaxy ranging from criminals to senators and businessmen. Physically, he was not an imposing figure. He was tall, about six and a half feet, however he was very heavy, and his muscle tone was lacking drastically. His short, brown hair was covered in filth and his skin was surprisingly pale for someone who lived on a planet like Tatooine. He was wearing robes which appeared to be for a king, made out of the fur of a creature which Nexu couldn't identify, and was decorated with gold.

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