-~ Part One ~-

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You begin a normal day, waking up, eating a hearty breakfast and having a run. Cherry blossoms surround the walkway. You feel quite energised, as the breakfast you had included eggs, beans and bacon. But something feels strange. You shake it off and jog back home. You live in a simple one-story house with a modern style to it. You decide to have a nap when 'Ding!' You get a text message from your friend, Stella.

Stella: Hey hon weren't we gonna go to the beach today?

You: Omg I completely forgot! Can we make it tomorrow? I'm feeling a bit sick.

Stella: Okay! See ya 2:00PM tomorrow! Bai

You put down the phone and sigh. You flop down on the couch and take a nap.

Waking up, you feel terrible. You have a sick stomach and a headache. You take some Panadol and lie down, watching some Netflix. But it doesn't go away. You decide to get some groceries, after all, you need some milk and butter.

Walking up to the store, your headache and sick stomach disappear. Huh, weird. You walk in and grab a carton of milk. Suddenly a makeup covered girl walks around the corner. You freeze, knuckles white on the milk. Annabelle. The beast. She sashays over to you.

"Hon, you gonna get yourself some clothes? Those look like they came from a dump!" CRASH! The milk explodes all over you and her, making her rose red dress milky pink. She screams and runs away, grabbing a handkerchief from her wallet and attemping to wipe the milk off. Customers come over to you, asking if you are okay. A middle aged man offers you a cloth. You politely decline and walk home, shivering from the cold. Finally you get there and take a shower. You walk up to the mirror.

How did that happen?

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