-~Part Four~-

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You spiralled down, unable to stop. The shock and pain makes you faint. 

You wake up in cold water. Unable to move, you tried screaming, but nothing came out. Suddenly, you were lifted out of the water by strong arms. Somebody does CPR on you.

Finally, you cough and splutter. You open your eyes to see a  man pushing on your chest. 

"Are you awake?" He said, worried about you. "Y-yes.." You stutter. He had handsome features and an amazing voice. "My name is Jason." He added.

"Are those real?" He said, pointing at your wings. "Yes... I'm... an Angel." 

Jason's POV 

I was about to get into the  pool, when a figure came spiralling down. It landed in my pool. I ran to the pool and reached in, pulling it out. I 

No way are those real.. I reached out to touch the wings on her back. "Beautiful..." I murmured. 

I jumped back, realising she had a gunshot in her left wing. "Oh my gosh! I'll be right back!" I ran inside my house and grabbed a large white cloth, a bandage and some food. I jogged back outside. Considering  that she was losing blood, she was doing a good job of staying awake. I gave her an apple and wiped the wound with the cloth, cleaning it out and putting the bandage on it. Phew, she will be alright...

Your POV

When you fully regain consciousness, you realise how handsome the man in front of you really is. He had dirty blond hair and abs. Jason jumps back, fully realising that you had blue blood.

"W-what??" He said, obviously scared. "Ohhh, yeah right, I have blue blood. Jason juststood there, shocked. He reached down to unpeel the bandage and take a look. He very carefully pulled it off, then dipped his index finger in a little pool of the blood. He suddenly collapsed, holding on to his stomach. 


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