Song # 2: Green Eyes

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Jess knew as front woman she needed to look good. For the concert she chose to wear a solid purple short dress with a low V neck with solid black leggins, black boots and a black leather jacket, really heavy black makeup on the eyes and free her wavy long black hair completed the look. When she was ready she left the room to take some air. She didn’t know how for how long she was standing there before she heard her phone ringing

“Where THE HELL are you? We are almost getting on stage!” Mya almost yelled to her.

“I’m sorry, I’m coming” She sighed and walked inside again, and to the lounge backstage.

When she walked into the room everyone was staring at her, and waiting for an explanation.

“I was just outside looking at the stars! Jeez!!” Jess said with wide eyes

“We were worried, that’s all. But you’re alive and that’s a good thing” Bryan said.

“You missed meeting Kevin and his friends, they even sang a little, they’re sick! One of the guys can sing as high as you!” Ari said

“I loved that girl… If I ever decide that being gay was just a phase it would probably be for her, sorry if that hurts your huge Ego” Bryan said joking at Nana

“Oh please!!! I’m just imaging how cute my babies with Scott would be, sorry if don’t pay attention to any of you” She said shaking her hand

“I need to ask Kevin to help me improve my beatboxing! HE IS CLEARLY A GENIUS!” Mya said, she likes to beatbox for fun.

“Dude… That bass” Mike added the rest just agree with a “YEAAAAAAH”

“They’re coming to play with us tonight, she can meet them there” Chris said as he pulled Jess out of the room.

“Ok really, what’s wrong?” He asked with a worried look on his face.

“Is nothing, really I just needed some air” Jess said looking at the floor.

“Then, please, change that face to the fierce rock star face you always have on shows, because this one it’s equally beautiful, but a little depressive for the rest of us” he said while shaking her, trying to make her smile. It worked.

The rest of them left the room to meet them there because it was time to get on stage, so they did.

The show was insane, everything sounded perfect and the crowd was amazing, for Jess was one of her favorites, she felt so free up there with all those people screaming and singing along with her. All of them had a little solo time on stage with the light only over whoever turn was. Jess always loved Ariäna’s part looked like she was born to be under that light with her pretty face and rocking on that Cello. Jess was a little surprised when Ariäna change something of her little solo that night and at the end she took the mic to say

“I want to say hello to my big friend Kevin that is here tonight with the rest of Pentatonix, if you don’t know them google them, because they’re awesome!”

Why isn't she the lead singer here? She have the look, the personality and hell yes she can sing!!

NO! I’m good enough!!

Jess shook the thought off as she walked to the front to take her place again to sing the last song.

After the concert they were in the room backstage just chilling before they pick up their instruments and leave for the twin’s house to get drunk and play videogames. Jess stood up needing the bathroom when Kevin walked to the room.

“There you are!!!” Kevin said to Jess with a huge smile. She smiled back

“5 minutes” she said to him almost running to the bathroom

Jess could hear a lot of unknown voices out there talking about how great the show was.

As soon as she walked out the bathroom she heard Chris making some silly joke about her and she was smiling because of it. When she glanced over at that stare and got lost into that much… green.

The eyes of the guy were green, like bright green or vibrant green or HOLLY SHIT GREEN!!! his really red and cute lips curved up into an amazing smile framed by an amazing beard. He was wearing a black shirt with a cute stained glass bear eating something image in it with black skinny jeans, black converse shoes and a black beanie, out of the beanie she could see some pretty brown curls and she tried, she tried hard to look away, it was more people in there, she needed to introduce herself, she needed to look at the rest for courtesy for being nice, for…

No, no… I like what I’m looking at… Dear lord, who is this beautiful creature?

She fought with the voice on her head and regained control of her body. When she was back into reality she noticed a really tall guy standing next to her saying something she couldn’t hear before ending with

“… I’m Scott, by the way” Jess looked up at him with the same smile she had since she left the bathroom, trying to hide the fact she didn’t hear anything he just said

“Ohhhh YOU are Scott” she said looking directly at Nana because of what she said before. She just stuck her tongue out to her. “Jessica, nice to meet you” She said smiling up at him and noticing his really blue eyes…

Well, his babies with Nana would be cute, that is for sure

Jess felt a hand taking her own to see another guy in front of her

“You are a star, your voice is out of this world and I need you to give me life”

“Oh… Wow… Man, buy me a drink first at least!” Jess said joking at the guy

“Ok, I can totally do that. I’m Mitch”

“Very nice to meet you” she said with a wide smile

“Hi, I’m Kirstin, nice to meet you”

wow, now I understand why she can make my friend stop being gay

was what Jess thought when she saw how pretty that girl was.

Finally she looked at the last unknown guy walking to her with a wide smile

And he is getting cuter with every step…

“Hi, I’m Avi, very nice to meet you” He said as he pulled her close.

No, no, no, don’t do that

“You really have a beautiful voice” He hugged her

Damn it boy!!! I told you not to!!! His voice sound like melted chocolate or at least that’s how I imagine chocolate would sound like if it could talk and for the new and old gods I want to eat that chocolate!! Holly cow, no, no, NO… DON’T LET...!!!

She fought her thoughts again as he released her from the hug. She turned to look at Ariën

“I have to suppose… This is the guy that can sing as high as me you told me before” She said with an innocent look and the entire room exploded with laughter from every person in it.

“I’m Jessica” she said looking up at him with a wide smile “Now, seriously. You almost make the earth shake, stay the hell away from me, I'm scared of you!” she said looking at him really serious trying not to smile at the little shade of pink on his face and enjoying his lovely smile as long as she could.

“Well now that we’re all here where is the alcohol? Because someone promise me alcohol in order to get me here and even when I enjoyed the show I still want to get drunk” Mitch demanded in a high pitch

“Yeah, that’s in our house, we should be going now” Ariën said and everyone walked to the cars to follow the twins to their place.

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