Song # 10: Esther

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A female voice near her called her attention


“Avi!! Where have you been the entire night?” She asked looking a little upset. She was tall with long brown hair and glasses, he looked up at her curving his mouth down into a really funny frown


“Just here, where you see me right now” He answered


Holy shit it’s his girlfriend!! We’re so done!!


“I have spent like an hour looking for you, we should go, I’m sure you’re not done packing and we have to get up early to catch our flight!


He sighed “She’s right… I should go” He looked at Jess sadly, she was confused and impressed by the beauty of this unknown girl she also felt like drowning into an ocean of shame, how could she thought he would actually be single? how could she have thought by any small space of time the guy would be interested in her?


I’m pretty much like an idiot


“Um... Oh… Of course, have a good night, good luck on tour” She smiled and tried not to look too pathetic while she switched her glance between Avi and the beautiful girl


“Oh! Where are my manners? ” He said noticing her confusion “This is my sister, Esther”


Jess felt like the life came back to her body while hot blood invaded her face




She tried to stand up really fast but got seated again when the buckle her belt get stuck onto the chair she was seated in, both Avi and Esther chuckled because of the accident.


“Are you ok?” he asked still laughing


“Yeah… I’m just… Weird” she stood up looking down in shame then she looked at Esther and raised her hand “I’m Jessica, nice to meet you” she said smiling awkwardly. Esther shook her hand while raised her eyebrows and smiled widely


“Jessica “the Delusion” Jessica?” Esther asked laughing and looking at her brother for a split of a second


“That’s the name of my band, so I guess, yeah, that’s me” Jess answered smiling shyly


“A pleasure to meet you, I’ve heard some things about you” Esther said smiling


“Good things, I hope” Jess blushed


“Well it can include something about your voice being an actual delusion, so, I guess they are good” Esther laughed “I’m sorry, but we really need to go, getting this guy up early in the morning is really hard” she said pointing at Avi while leaving. Jess laughed


I wouldn’t mind getting him hard and up every morning, if you know what I mean...




He stood there in front of her looking down


“Well, I-I’ll see you after tour” He said smiling sadly


“Yeah, sure. It was nice to talk to you”


He grabbed her shoulders pulling her close into a warm hug


This guy has a problem with hugs for real, i’m not complaining, I can hug him my entire life


When he let her go he stayed standing there looking down and almost ashamed, Jess looked at him waiting for him to say something and searched with her eyes for the rest of her friends. She only could identify Nana dancing with some guy, Chris seated on a couch with Mya on his lap and Bryan talking with some guys. When she was about to leave to any of her friends side Avi grabbed her hand, she turned to look at him


Is he blushing?


“Before I leave I would like to know if I…” He took a deep breath ” If it’s possible for you to give me your number” He finally said


Now he is blushing for sure!


“My…? Oh yeah, of course” She nodded as she witnessed the big smile forming on to his lips


-My sword is yours. My life is yours. My heart is yours.- My body is yours. Of course My number is yours too




He handed his phone to her and she did the same, they exchanged numbers, he pulled her into another hug and she blushed again. He left waving her goodbye and she stayed there trying to process everything that just had happened and was almost shaking from excitement, the voice in her head was screaming and she was jumping up and down imaginary.




She felt an arm around her shoulder and turned to see Mya next to her


THAT went very good, as far as I could see” she smiled

“Yeah… I guess so” Jess answered almost giggling

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