Song # 50: Destiny

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The next morning Avi woke up really early, they needed to be at the bus to travel to another city where they will be singing that night. Jess woke up not much after him when she look for him in the bed to hug him and didn’t find him. She opened her eyes to see him walking out the bathroom his hair was a cute mess, dripping water down his chest. He saw her awake, walked to the bed and placed a kiss on her cheek. “I was about to wake you, we need to hurry.”

She nodded, still sleepy and dragged herself out the comfortable bed to take a quick shower and gather all the items of clothing that flew across the room last night. After Jess managed to pack everything, she took a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to get dressed, put her purple converse shoes on and tied her hair in a messy bun. She headed with her boyfriend to the tour bus, inside there she said hi to everyone and showed them her Valentine’s present, the Evenstar necklace that she has refused to take off since he put it on.

It was 6:00 am when they started to travel, Jess was still really tired from the night before, so she took Avi’s bed in the bus, he joined her a few moments later, resting all over her because of the reduced space of the bunk. She was face up on the bed and he face down using her as pillow. Avi was very amused to have her as pillow, according to him he couldn’t imagine a better pillow to rest on and they both fell asleep in that position.


Jess woke up about an hour after that because of a rumble on her chest. When she opened her eyes, she saw Avi in the same spot of her chest where she left him before they fell asleep, he was laughing, that was the rumble on her chest. Sweet baby Jesus he looked so cute looking up at her with that smile that she felt all the air leave her lungs, then his face turned serious, like a kid doing something bad without meaning to. “Did I awake you? I’m really sorry.” She was amazed by how big and green his eyes were, and his perfect beard and his lips… She was so deep into her thoughts that she forgot to answer, she even forgot to breathe. “Jess?” He moved a little trying to put his head at her eye level, before she sighed and shook her head.

“It’s ok.” She managed to say, making him return to lying his head in her chest. Looking at the phone she asked, “May I know who is making you smile that way?” She didn’t wanted to sound as jealous as she did, and when she realized it, she looked away and blushed.

He lifted his eyebrows in amusement, every time she gave him any signs of jealousy, she always made a cute little gesture with her mouth before her face get covered with the most beautiful tone of pink he had ever seen, he smirked, “Got cha.”

“Forget it, you don’t-”

“It was my mom.” He kissed her on the chest “She sends her regards.”

“Oh...” Stop acting like the overly attached girlfriend, you’ll make him run away!! “Tell her I say hi back.” She was so ashamed, she wanted to jump off the bus and run.

“You look beautiful when you’re jealous,” He reached for a strand of her hair that had scaped from it's place resting by her side and started to curl it between his fingers. “even when you have no reason to be.”

“I’m sorry.” She was avoiding his eyes, she was too ashamed.

He took her chin and made her look at him before smiling so sweet, kind and warm that she felt her heart melt and couldn’t avoid smiling back. She moved her hands to his head to play with his fluffy hair and she heard him hum his approval at her action. She knew he like it when she started to bury her hands in his hair and stroke it. “Sing for me.” he requested. She couldn’t deny him, she realized she usually found it very hard to say no to him.

“Anything in particular?”

“Surprise me, I just wanna hear your voice.”

She thought about a million songs, all of them too cheesy for her taste, all of them said something about love and she was very sure she wasn’t there yet. She thought until she decided to reach for her phone to check her music there. She searched her playlists and she saw her “Relaxing” playlist and immediately remembered the perfect song and started to sing.

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