Chapter 1: Welcome Back

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Dippers POV: 'It had been a few years since Mabel and I had left Gravity Falls..and we were finally going back. I didn't have much memory of the place, I didn't know why but my doctor blamed it on memory loss.. I knew it was something else, but itsy whatever'. I sighed as Mabel and I walked to the Mystery Shack. Once we were there, we were greeted by a boy. This boy looked at us and smiled, "Hi! Welcome to the Mystery Shack, what creepy things are you looking for?" before I could say anything Mabel gasped and ran to Grunkle Stan hugging him. I smiled and walked over to him as well. 

Grunkle Stan looked older, but he was still the same in a way. He gave us both hugs and laughed, "Hey kids! I missed you! Ready to have fun?" Mabel nodded, I only shrugged "I'll be finding more mysteries." I said and chuckled, "Are the rooms the same?" Grunkle Stan shook his head "Nope! You'll be sharing a room with Bill, and Mabel gets her own room!" That name sounded familiar.. but I couldn't remember who it was. Mabel ran up to her room with her suitcases while I looked to see who 'Bill' was.

I looked at the person Stan was pointing to and it was the boy that greeted us.. he was..tall, about 6'2". h
He had golden blonde hair, bright eyes, tan skin, freckles and an eye patch on one of his eyes with a lean build. I sighed and walked over to him, "I'm Dipper, nice to meet you Bill." He gave me a smile and shook my hand, "Nice to meet you too pine tree" He chuckled. '...Pine tree? I haven't heard that name since... since... ugh! When did I hear that name?!' I sighed and walked to my room, with Bill following behind me.

Bills POV: I smirked seeing Pine tree and Shooting star again. 'I have to admit.. Dipper has changed since I had last seen him, but why didn't he remember me?  I made his life a living hell and he didn't even know me!' I followed behind him to our room. I closed the door behind me and levitated off the ground to freak him out, "Hey pine tree, look at me!" He turned to face me, but didn't freak out.. 'why is he not screaming?! Why isn't he yelling for Shooting star?!' I got back on the ground and grabbed his shoulders, furrowing my brows. "Don't you remember me?!" He shook his head slowly.. confused. I growled and sat on my bed, looking around before i picture and showed him "Look! It's me!" Dipper ignored dare he!

'Why the hell was he ignoring me? Does he still hate me? Or does he truly not remember me..? Wait a second! Why am i making a big fuss out of this! He's a human I don't need him..'

Dippers POV: 'Why was this guy acting so crazy? He sounded familiar but I honestly couldn't remember him..' I set my things down and made my bed. I hid my books and sat down, grabbing a normal book before i began reading it, while Bill kept trying to get me to remember him. I finally had enough and stood up, "Look! I don't remember you! I have no idea why you keep calling my pine tree! Leave me alone!" He looked at me and then at my arm, seeing my tattoo. He grabbed my arm, which kind of..hurt.  "Look! That's me!" I looked at him, furrowing my brows. "No it's not, it's something I saw in my dream you weirdo!!" I pulled my arm away from him and went to find Mable. 

Mabels POV: I heard Dipper yelling and walked out of my room to see why, I saw him walk towards me, huffing. "What's up bro, bro?" He shook his head, glancing back.  "That dude is weird! He kept trying to say he was this" He showed me his tattoo, causing me to only shrug. "I don't know.. but he's kinda cute." i whispered to Dipper, he only rolled his eyes and left. "It was a joke! ..kind of." 

Dippers POV: 'Why the hell does Mabel like him? He's weird..he obviously isn't human... but in Gravity Falls, you kind of have to get used to that'. I sat against the counter and took my hat off, looking up when hearing a familiar voice. "Hey Wendy!" she looked at me, smiling. "Dipper? Holy shit! It's been forever!" i smiled, Wendy was my crush when I was younger, but I learned to get over her when I found out..I was interested in guys. We hung out for a while in the shack until Bill came down stairs, he kept giving Wendy looks making her leave from discomfort..I think.. "I gotta go Dip, see ya.." I waved her goodbye and turned to see Bill right in front of me, making my face go into his chest. I backed up a little, looking up at him. "So, you remember her.. but you don't remember me?" He said walking towards me, with an angry look. I slowly backed up, "W-what are you talking about? Wendy is my friend." He growled and stopped in front of me, pushing me into a wall.

I looked up at him, confusion filled my mind. "Look, I'm sorry I don't remember you.. I really am.. But that doesn't mean you can scare off my friends!"

Bills POV: I glared at pine tree.. 'Why was I so mad?! I hated seeing Wendy with MY pine tree! ..wait..he's not mine... what is happening to me?' I shook my head and glared at Dipper, "Well I was here first! I was here before her! I made deals with you!" Dipper looked at me, as if a memory shot into his head. "wait.. You're.." I grinned and looked at him with widened eyes. "Yes! I'm Bill Cipher!" I laughed. He froze and stared at me, making me smirk. "There's my Pine tree! Do you remember me?" He tackled me to the ground, which caught me off guard for a moment. "Why the hell did you come back?" He growled. I smiled more, "I missed you~ Don't you miss me?" I cooed as he shook his head, "No...what am I doing?" he stood up and walked to our room leaving me alone. "huh?" Shooting star ran down the stairs whrn she heard the commotion and blushed seeing me on the floor. "A-are you okay?"  I rolled my eyes, slowly standing up. "I'm here for your brother" She gasped and dragged me her to my room.

I sat and shivered at all the pink and glitter hung around. I told her about who I was and asked why i was so... defensive. "You have a crush on my brother." I laughed, raising a brow. "Ha! Me? A powerful dream demon?! Not even!" She smirked and shrugged,  "You're right, I mean his hair is sooo gross, and that had is so old, and i think he's getting a little pudgy bleh!" I growled at her, "YOU TAKE THAT BACK OR I WILL TURN YOU INTO DUST!!" I shouted while she smiled, "I rest my case" i stared at her, confused... '..Wait... do i really like pine tree?' i stuck with this thought while shooting star just...started going on about about things I didn't care about....

What am I going to do..?

Heyyy so, I'm editing this because I realized by writing was suuuprr cringy..oof. hope you all like the newer stuff!

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