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Fuming isn't even the word I would describe my mood right now. I swear all college tutors want me to get a hunchback with how much homework I've got to drag around with me. I dash down the sidewalk. The skies where getting darker each time my shoes smash against the solid ground.

Lifting my gaze to see the last of the shops shutters closing. Workers anxious to get home for tea. I lift my wrist up to check my watch, [9:34]. That means I have six minutes to get to the bus stop. I quicken my steps, swinging my arms.

I really need to invest in getting a car... I hate public transport. With the passengers staring at you once climbing aboard. When they're on their phones and it feels like they're talking to you with how loud they're being. Even having to hold your breath when all seats are filled up except one. You'd think you were lucky once you sit down in that seat but then you'd question the passengers who kept stood up. Then you'd want to hit yourself as you'll breath in the stranger who occupied the seat by the window next to you.

That's why I always bring any extra set of earphones just in case, and minty chewing gum.

Then you get strangers who sits right next to you. When they're a billion other seats to pick from but then there are advantages; if you're seat by the window, you could just go on watching everything go past when you stare out of the window because you know the bus driver is doing a good job on the road.

I came out of my thought as a bus darts passes. I check out the number on the side 583, I curse, it's my bloody bus! I so wanted to stomp my foot.

I'm not making a fool of myself by running just knowing it will just go past. I storm up the rest of the way passing a beautiful blossom tree, that was almost covered by the shadows of the incoming night. To see a young man with orange hair sat down on the metal bench on his phone.

He lifts his head to mine as I tip my bag off my shoulder. I swiftly move over to the bus timetable on the plastic board not watching as my bag plunges to the floor at the side of the man. If he wants to rob it, I honestly wouldn't care. You ever felt that way?

I scan for my bus times... Every hour! I groan dropping my head in defeat, why me?

Hey guys decided it was time to finally grace you with something new :D

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Lola & Ryan (Lies Told #1.5) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now