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After they both disappeared into the cool night. I sit back feeling eyes on my face. I turn to Ryan, his eyes focussed on mine. ''Well, that was... different.'' I nod my head agreeing.

Dipping my hand into my bag. I route through it and gripped a small rectangle wrapper, I shut my bag sliding it behind my legs offering a chewing gem to Ryan. He took one.

''Thanks Lola.'' I smile as I put the peppermint piece into my mouth. My mouth flushes with a powerful minty-fresh scent.

''You're most welcome.'' I grinned, seeing more cars slowly drive by. ''So what do you want to be when your older?'' Ryan muttered after a couple of minutes of silence.

Turning my gaze to consider Ryan's I reply, ''does anyone really know the answer to that?''

He considered my answer, he smiles. ''I guess you're right, so what do you want to be at this very moment?''

'Hmm, a pop star... jokes! Right now I'd like to be nurse. You?''

''A nurse... hmm, I can see that, and I want to be able to open my own chain of restaurants.''

''You cook, dame- that's hot.'' Shoot out of my mouth before I could stop it. I felt myself blush looking in every other direction as Ryan laughs. ''I'm glad you think so maybe someday you'll come by one... One day unexpected.''

''That would be pretty neat. In a couple of years, I'll be a full-time nurse at one of the best hospitals while you've opened a couple of restaurants that make some of the most delicious meal ever created.'' I muse chuckling as I worded our hope and dreams for our futures. Ryan raised an eyebrow and starts nodding along with me. ''That does sound great.'' He spoke softly as another bus came and went as no one needed to get off.

''So, do you anything in you free time?'' I unexpectedly asked Ryan, surprising both of us with the question.

Ryan lip lift with amusement, draping his hand through his ginger hair all most nervously as he says, ''well, when I have the time I go up to the roof of my building and watch the stars in the sky.'' Oh, we I wasn't expecting that. I beam up to him. ''That's sounds amazing.'' And so, romantic, but I didn't want to embarrass myself again. I look up to the skies that have turned pitch black with splashes of white sparkling through the atmosphere.

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Lola & Ryan (Lies Told #1.5) CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang