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After a moment, I became aware of our body language when I peer down at our laps. Ryan and my knees were almost touching all most as if we were drawn together by thread. Not just because of the night chill but because we couldn't help ourselves. I sent him a small smile, which he returned making me blush.

I never normally blush yet since I stormed over to this bus stop I've found myself pulled out of my element. I would have found it crazy if I'd minded but I found myself not caring. I've met a good lucking guy who seems to be genuine, not like all the knuckle heads I know. It was refreshing.

Across the street, a small shadow moves swiftly. You'd miss it if you weren't looking. A lampposts orange glow beamed down reflecting the small cat's body. It stopped dead in front of a battered piece of plywood with graffiti that had been tossed against of the building. Abandoned. The lone cat lifted its head, spying all round itself... clocking us across the road, it meowed loudly, before standing taller, stalking away out of sight.

Blinking, I swear that cat winked. Shaking my head to hear Ryan chuckle besides me. I raise my eyebrows in question. ''He didn't seem impressed...'' I was confused before realising he meant the cat. I laugh too before saying, ''He could have been a she, you know.''

He nods in agreement before gently knocking his shoulder with mine making me laugh louder. ''That's true Lola.'' I felt his breath against my neck, breathing in his fresh breath. Goosebumps broke out down my body.

Clearing my throat. I reached for my bag and took out my phone and earphones to distract myself from Ryan. After I unravel the white cord, I plugged it into my phone. Clicking onto my screen, scrolling through my playlist until I came to my favourite. I put my left earphone in while lifting the right up to Ryan. He nods his head in thanks, moving closer. After we got comfortable, I pressed play. The warmth melody of Elliott Yamin voice came out.

Lola & Ryan (Lies Told #1.5) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now