10- All Alone

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(Chapter title from the song "All Alone" by the Gorillaz.... great band btw)

(Last time on Supernatural- lol just kidding!)

Toast opened the door to a very bandaged up Ghost in a hospital gown.

"Johnny Toast... what are you doing here?!?!" He screeched. Meanwhile Toast was happy, maybe Ghost even remembered him before he could say anything else Johnny interrupted," You were the one to dump me and hang out with your macaroni friends...  you left me!"

Oh, so that's what he remembers.... great.

(End of cringey last chapter part....)

       Two Johnnys stood in the hospital room. One was almost seething with anger and the other was confused and hurt, but most of all.... worried. His friend doesn't remember much of anything past high school. He has to deal with the pain of his friend now remembering him all again.

Johnny Ghost on the other hand was mildly pissed. The last memory of this... this monster was when he made him suffer the biggest heartbreak, even worse than losing his father and Toast just left with his other popular friends, leaving Johnny in an alleyway behind school all alone, mentally hurt, and most of all.... heartbroken.

Toast started at him for a few moments while clear memories of that day ran through his head.... while Ghost was doing the same.

(Beginning of even more cringey flashback thingies...)

(Johnny Ghost's POV)

"Toast! Where are you going? I thought you were gonna come back to my house tonight?"

I ran up to my friend who just walked out of the school emergency exit door and I hesitated before running through as fast as possible. Johnny, who just recently dyed his hair purple and green (which I didn't really approve of, but what can I do) and patted on his back. He was a little taller than me anyway, but now since he's wearing combat boots he is about half a head taller than me. Johnny going all "punk-Johnny" bathers me a lot. I just stick with my converse, jeans, and favorite hoodie. Most people say I'm slimmer than a light post and 80% leg, which right now is pretty actuate. Johnny Toast is more of the active type with more muscles, but some girls like to fall for the more lanky one with a mess of brown hair (like me) they were pretty disappointed to find out I was gay. Back to Johnny.... he was really sweet and he still is... he just doesn't really like to hang out with me anymore. Toast is currently on his last year of highschool, while I just started it. Even when he hangs out at my house he's either high on macaroni or doesn't say anything.

    Toast turned around and glared at me, "What do you want, Ghostie?" He spat out the nickname like venom and I tried to force the tears out of my eyes.

"I-I just w-w-wanted to know I-if you wanted to come o-over to my h-house tonight...." I stumbled, 'great going Ghost' I thought. It was a secret that I had a crush on Toast, but not a secret that everyone knows I'm gay, so people suspect.

My tall lanky form cowered at Johnny's menacing glare. 'I tucked my head like a dog waiting to be hit. Please don't hurt me, please don't hurt me," was the mantra running though my brain right now. Suddenly I felt a surge of strength in my head, "I swear if he hurts us then I'm gonna stab him!" Strength gone. Now pain and lights appearing and disappearing before my eyes.

"Ughhh..." I groaned and held my head and Toast actually looked sympathetic. He kneeled down next to me and patted my back in the school alleyway. All his friends were watching with distaste.

(More of a 3rd person POV)

"Are you okay?" Johnny asked the smaller one. Ghost nodded, but started pulling him his hair which made Toast frown in worry.

"C'mon, John! We don't need that welp! He's just having one of his dumb episodes you worry about! The macaroni is at your place, do you want the money or not?!" Frank, yelled at the senior impatiently. Actually there were about ten people getting tired and Toast didn't want to deal with angry macaroni users.

"Yeah let's go..." Johnny got up slowly and once his hands were off Ghost's back he started sobbing.

"Please, J-Johnny! Don't go!!" He started get up and managed to do so with out falling. Reaching his arms out he tried to grab Johnny's shoulders but he snapped around and pushed his friend into a puddle of murky water. A pathetic '"splash" was heard throughout the alley way and many of Toast's friends smiled, showing their rotting teeth.

Without looking back Johnny Toast climbed into the van and didn't see the hurtful and hateful look Johnny Ghost gave him.

Jimmy whispered,"Oh you've crossed the line now, Toaster! Only I get to hurt my brother!"

(A/N ayyyyyy it's been awhile! Wow..... I'm sorry I guess for the lack of updates. I have no other excuse except video games!! Sorry again! -Raena)

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