FINAL CHAPTER 20- Now he Just Uses What he Saw on a Grave

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(Toast's POV)

The knife never reached my chest though, it hung in the air almost innocently, while Jimmy's bright red eyes shimmered even more so than usual. My eyes were probably the size of saucers at the sight of Jimmy leaning even closer to my face. Then something odd happened. Something magical. Something sinister. Jimmy's soft plump lips brushed against mine and I made a surprised sound in my throat. His Knifey dropped from the air as he pushed against my chest onto the wall.

He broke from the kiss with a feral look in his red eyes and he growled low in his throat before lunging at me, his hands clinging to my hair like a man drowning and I knew this was wrong. Buuut I wasn't so sure. I, as Johnny Ghost's boyfriend, is supposed to love every part of him. The most dangerous, the most fluffy, and the most annoying. Then again, is Jimmy really a part of Ghost... or a separate entity all together? It's hard to say a lot of the time, but I even see some of Jimmy's characteristics in Ghost. It's sometimes painfully obvious when I see Johnny reacting to a threat the same way was Jimmy. Definitely not to the extent, but the same idea. When I felt Jimmy push even closer and try and deepen the kiss I finally mustered enough courage to push him off.

"No, Jimmy. This.... isn't right. Ghost-" I started, but Jimmy wasn't having it.

"Ghost this," he cried," Ghost that!!" He snarled and paced back and forth with his hands clutching his head.

I winced as he turned to me with his piercing red eyes and mouth turned down in a grim expression.

"You don't really want me....," he clarified. He looked at me with so much emotion in his eyes I even felt my eyes tear up," you want Ghost. I guess, whatever makes you happy..." he mumbled to himself and like somebody flipped a switch he collapsed to the ground like a rag doll.

My breathing slowly started to become normal and I stared at the body laying on the floor in front of me.

"Johnny..?" I heard mumbled from the once lifeless body on the ground. My eyes widened and I bent down to bring his body closer to mine.

"Yes, Ghost, please are you okay? I-I don't even-" he shushed my ramblings with a tender kiss with the softest lips known to man. No woman, no matter how much creams or surgery could get these soft lips that just danced across mine in an ancient dance of love.

This kiss was tender and passionate, just a brush of lips together and yet I don't think anything has mattered so much to me in my entire life.

When we got out I turned to him and smiled. We shared a look of understanding and longing. We knew we would never go back to this godforsaken place ever again. This awful place that rigged us of our innocence and life. We were leaving Little Butts and we weren't coming back. P.I.E was gone for now. We were going to drop off the radar for good, and I still wondered... why didn't Jimmy fight back? Is he planning something bigger?

Rain started to fall as Ghost and I walked and I couldn't help but feel amazing that I left. No more dying, no more suffering, just me am the love of my life. I knew Ghost and I weren't completely safe. There was still Maxwell and the Toilet Toucher. There was still.... Jimmy.

I sighed as we walked further and further away. Everything seemed so perfect right now, and I couldn't help but thing this was only beginning.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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