12- I will Make you Believe you are Lovely

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(Johnny Ghost's POV)

I just kissed Johnny Toast! The aftershock of that thought was huge. My eyes probably looked like saucers and my mouth agape. Holy crap! I stood there and stared at Johnny's equally as wide eyes and tried to process what just happened.

"I-I'm sorry Johnny.... I d-didn't mean to I swear!" I stuttered pitifully, "You can hurt me, or do anything! Please don't-"


Johnny screeched and I tucked my head down and shut my eyes, every once of my being like a dog waiting to be struck. But the hit never came. Opening my eyes I slowly saw that Toast actually had tears in his eyes. Freaking tears! He was crying.... did I do something? Oh, please don't-

"I could never ever hurt you, Ghost," Johnny whispered, his voice feather light to my ears. The tone he uses for children when they just watched their family get torn apart by ghosts, or for a scared animal that is living on the fight or flight instincts. Only that animal just so happens to be a Johnny Ghost backing slowly into a wall while Johnny Toast advances with his palms out, showing he's not a threat.

"Johnny?" I whispered to him and suddenly the room seemed too small, all the air was getting sucked out of me and it was a matter of time before I wouldn't be able to breathe and-

Soft, but slightly chapped lips touched mine and my eyes widened in surprise. Sitting there staring at Johnny Toast with with full moon eyes and a scarlet face. Toast mumbled the words, "I won't bite... yet," onto my lips and I groaned and finally gave in, kissing him back and it was a good as the first time.

Screw it! Life's too short to waste it. Even though I actually don't really know what year it is, it seems to have been a while, I'm taller, still not as tall as Toast. I'm well muscled in a lean sort of way, my hair is somehow shaggier and the hospital equipment is amazing! It took me a long time to get used to the awesome gadgets and knickknacks that the nurses have supplied me with. 'At least Toast isn't a jerk,' I thought as I felt his lips slide against mine, 'Definitely not a jerk,'

I smiled against his lips and I felt his big hands slowly move around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck.

Suddenly a door opened and a nurse stepped in and starting screaming, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?! TWO GAYS FREAKING MAKIKG OUT IN THE ROOM?! GET OUT! BOTH OF YOU," She screamed and tears were actually streaming down her face she held medicine in one hand and a water bottle in the other, waving it around like a crazy person trying to shoo us away like flies. I felt Toast's hold tighten on me and my mind started getting all woozy....

(Johnny Toast's POV)

   My arms unconsciously tightened around Ghost and I squinted at the woman who was shouting curses and insults at us like there was no tomorrow. Turning to Ghost I was checking to see if he was okay when I saw his pupils dilate and undilate like crazy.

"Johnny?" I whispered to him hoping that me calling his name would bring him back from the edge and of when He comes out. If anything it pushed him over the edge and he started to twitch and shake in my arms.

"Johnny?" I questioned again warily. The response I got was two giants red eyes staring at me and a wide maniacal smile.

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