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My gear was heavy against my body, my skin raw from the constant running. I wanted to just sit in the cavern and eat my meal. But I couldn't.

I was skinning the squirrels and rabbits when
a star has fallen from the sky.
It landed in the center of the camps , of my people. Scared as they were they wanted to venture and seek the damage.

Me? I had other plans.

I climbed the trees and made way to the landing of the star. The star didn't look like what I had thought. It was metal and grey, the star was a shape of some sort...then there was a hiss and a scraping sound.

I saw them. No- I saw her...

Long hair straight as hay, the color of honey against the tree of dark bark, skin the color of the clouds during sunset, and eyes that held such...wisdom and curiosity.

She walked forward and yelled in English, "were back bitches!!" And then the rest came and acted like animals.

No order, no rules, no morals, and that all means-  no leader.

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