Let Me Start Over

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"Alright my little ones. Now I shall explain again..."

There were six close friends of mine when I first landed on this planet. When I first breathed in the air from here, the scents of soil and flowers, and the explosion of colors. Up in space I only saw the darkness and grey always.

There was one main girl that really had my hair in a twist, she was the blonde with blue eyes. Her name was Clarke, she was strong and oh very stubborn. Her mother was a doctor and Clarke was an apprentice. Her father was floated....killed because he found out that our home -the ark- was failing to support us. Clarke was then put to prison just like me for trying to warn them.

The next is Jasper the one who was hurt. We thought he died but I have no idea how he...didn't.  He had brown hair that went to the middle of his ears and the top of his eyes. He had goggles that covered his face but he wore it on his head. He always wore a black jacket with red lining and had a very long nose. He was the spirited guy in the group while everyone was so serious.

His best friend was named Monty, my my he was special. He was an engineer and he was always getting into these funny pranks with Jasper. His eyes were slanted his nose small and flat, his hair too was like Jasper's but a little shorter. Now he wore a red jacket all the time.

Finn was the one that was very special I believe. He was the one who could have started the war or ended one. Though since we landed on this planet, it has been bloodshed ever since. Finn had hair down to his shoulders and it was an ash brown color. He knew how to track footprints and direction. Him and Clarke liked each other but it didn't end well...

Lastly, Bellamy. Bell is my brother and he has freckles scattered across his face. His hair short and just a little curly but jet black. So arrogant, he was actually an asshole for the first year on the ground. Though after many trials with the other grounders, he became better. He was the leader, with no control, no rules, and not a damn about anything. It's what caused many issues to begin with...but it would work itself out.

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