Two Months Later

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Emily was a grown up.

She'd run away not because she wanted pleasure, nor independence, but because she was grown up. She is slowly wearing away from her childhood days, and so far she hadn't been visiting me.

It was Emily's nineteenth birthday, and we're in Niagara Falls. I could see the pleasure on her face, feeling the stray drops slowly kiss her skin.

"Happy birthday," I whisper. A grin cracked on Emily's face.

"You think I'd be too grown up to leave you? Now that I'm nineteen?" she nudged me. "No, Alice. You'd still be my friend. But you'll never now when I'll run away again."

"That's okay," I laugh, thinking of the other adventures Emily would lead me into again. It was okay to see Emily grow up and run away.

Because the world will always be according to Emily Rosalie James, and no one can change it.

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