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2 years later...
Ally was staring out the window of the coffee shop, lost in heavy thought. It's been two years since the terrible accident... Ally hadn't been the same since. Ally after the accident had began seeing a psychology every fortnight, to talk about the accident, her depression and anxiety. Ally's family and friends had found it struggling to talk to her, talking to her is similar to talking to a dead lifeless.

"Hey Ally, I really to think you should think about going to university" Ally's best friend Jess stated, breaking the silence. Ally didn't even acknowledge Jess, she continued staring out of the cafe's window.

"You're nearly 19 Ally, you should think about getting a full time job or going to Uni... you can't keep sulking in your room and when working at the cafe, you're depressing the customers" Jess sighed, knowing Ally still probably won't reply.

"I'm studying psychology at Uni... my first day is next week" Ally admitted.

"What? You didn't even think to tell me?" Jess replied very surprised.

"I had the same chat with myself last year I decided that psychology was a good profession for me, you know after everything happened...I learnt a lot from my psychologist. I think I would like to be like her, you know... help people and stuff" She replied anxiously.

Blue eyes// Asa Butterfield FanficWhere stories live. Discover now