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Every day I wake up. My head hurt. My whole body aches. I am in so much pain.

What had I been doing the night before? I honestly don't understand why I am in this much pain every time I open my eyes. I know I needed to get up, but I don't have the energy to do so. I always seem to use my hands to push myself off the bed because otherwise, I wouldn't moved.

I usually manage to get down the stairs without toppling over my own two feet. This always seems to be a huge achievement in my eyes.

I open the cupboard, grab my meds, and pour them into my mouth. In total, I take 2 lithium pills and some type of anti-depressants, as well as my usually vitamin tablets.

I do my usually 6 am routine. Meds. Breakfast. Showers. Dress. Then work. I have to make sure I am out the door by 7 am.

Driving to work can either be longer than a foot lenght subway or it can pretty quick. It's a drive from Jac's house to work. We get to drive through the countryside, a very rare view if you work in the city.

This happens 5 times a week.

When I am at work, I rarely get to see the outside world or interact with it; 4 days at work, 2 days off. However, I am a lover of work, so it's not too bad, especially if Doctor Valentine is in.
If you asked me to sum up Oliver Valentine in three words, I guarantee you I couldn't. His hot looks and blue eyes draw you in.

I have been on Darwin for 2 months, 5 weeks and 2 days, its not like I am counting or anything. But, that's how long I have liked him for.

I don't think he would want a freak like me though. Because I am a freak. Everyone calls me freak.

Since primary school, right up until adulthood, people bully me for being different. They would just go, "Zosia you are a freak." I hated it and mostly would go off crying.

They didn't understand, so Ollie wouldn't understand. And this is because I have bipolar.

My mood can change in a flash or I can have a major mood swing.


Sometimes I can feel mania which cause me to be very high and overactive.


I struggle to stay under control and keeping my emotions inside.


Ollie would never understand what its like to get up everyone morning feeling like you can't live your life like a normal person.

I just know I am forever going to be on my own, living in a small flat with more than likely a cat. I just want someone to love me, well Ollie to be exact.

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