t h r e e

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[ Do you guys want some sort of bonus chapter with texts between Ollie and Zosia??
Also: this contains a small anxiety attack and swearing. ]

I could see Ollie exiting Jac's office. His stunning blue eyes and his gorgeous brown hair.

What the fuck have I done? Zosia you absolute melt, he's never going to love you now.

That's all that I could hear in my head and now I regret being that snakey doctor.

"Zosia, this is Mr Taylor-r, age 57 who's having-g a heart attack."

I could hear Ollie shouting at me whilst trying to stop the patients pain. I could see the hospital bed travelling towards me. But my mind just went blank.

"Zosia-a, I need help."

I could hear his voice getting clearer and clearer, the closer he got to me.

Why aren't I moving... Zosia move yourself.


This time I moved. I ran towards the patient hoping I could help.

"He's going into heart failure, get the crash team NOW Ollie. I will start cpr."

I started to do chest compression on this man but there was still no output.

A long continuous beep.

It was Ollie's turn to do cpr. But it was no use. Dead.

"Time of death 13:47."

Its my fucking fault that I let him die, I didn't move for god sake. Why Zosia! Ms Naylor is going to be pissed off at me now.

I looked up at Ollie and all of a sudden he went pale, and his hands began to tremor.

"Are you okay Ollie? You don't look so good."

He just starred at me. Tears rolled down his face. I was shocked. Why was he crying? It my fault he's dead.

I asked again, "Are you okay Ollie? I can get Jac if you want to or we can just talk."

He kept shaking, tears kept rolling down his face, and he was sweating like crazy.

"Ollie please come with me."

At this point, he was sat in the middle of Darwin's main corridor with all the patients watching him. I just wanted him to have some privacy.

He didn't respond. There was only one thing I could do. Get Jac...

I ran to her office which was 100m or so away from where we were. I didn't knock, I just pushed the door in.

"Jac, I need help, Ollie is sat in the corridor crying and he won't listen to me!"

She looked at me as if I forgot to do something and after a few seconds her mouth began to move.

"Zosia take me to him."

I was surprised by her reaction. I thought she would have said, he's fine, or something along those lines.

We walked back to Ollie who was still on the floor. He was definitely in a worse condition than I left him in.

All I want to know is what's wrong with him so I can just help. I love him so if its anything bad, I'll be gutted.

My heart was pounding, my eyes were watery and all I could think was, Ollie please be okay.

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